"What's that you say?"
Just a line from one of the songs tonight in "Sister Act"! Ain't it divine?!!
"Hahahaha! I saw that pun you snuck in there!"
I figured you would! You know how keen I am about listening to the lyrics, right? Good thing! These songs were just full of puns and double entrendres!
"Very nice! But I don't recall the movie using made-up songs."
G'friend, this wasn't no movie! It was a live musical!!! At Savannah Arts Academy!!! An absolute gift it was, too, at this time of year. I guess that's a silver lining of Hurricane Milton, as that storm was the reason it got canceled in the fall.
"So, here it was in the winter, during a cold spell, to brighten your new year!"
That's true! And guess what else? I wasn't solo! I'd posted the flyer about the show on fb, tagging two of the Asbury theatre-goers, and one of them joined me! Robin and I had a nice chat last night on the phone, then I went ahead and bought my ticket for tonight.
"Good move! That made sure you didn't back out on her because of the weather."
Ah, you know me well. And guess what? They had Varnedoe Theatre nice and toasty! I was so pleasantly warm that I took off the sweatshirt I had on over my sweater and undershirt. Just delightful to be warm, walking around enjoying the orchestra while I waited for her to get there from Pooler!!!
"That's wonderful! Now, tell me: did Robin enjoy the musical?"
She did!!! We were both laughing and clapping and having a wonderful time throughout the show!!! Get this: her son was in theater at his high school in California, so she went to all of the shows he was in. She's missed it, as he's 31 now, so she's very pleased that i like going to the various high school plays and musicals. Wonderful!!!
"How truly wonderful that is! I know you've had a struggle trying to get other Asbury folk involved with these shows. Maybe she'll be able to light a fire under them!"
Perhaps so! Oh, and tonight was closing night for the play, so they gave roses to all of the seniors in the show! My favorite, Jada Banks, was the one who played 'Doloris', so this is her last year at SAA. I'm sure going to miss her. I'm going to miss several of those kids, like Emory Liang, who played 'Sweaty Eddie the cop'. I even clapped when his character fired his gun and shot 'Curtis' (Josiah Williams), who was about to kill 'Doloris'. Such a flashback for me of the cop firing his gun to save Bruce Willis' character in "Die Hard"! Anyway, all told, I think there were at least ten graduating seniors in this one.
"Plus, this was Richard Lundin's last play to direct. You met his replacement, Betsy, tonight. She sat right in front of you and Robin, with her daughter who goes to Garrison."
That's right!!! The little girl played 'Spud' in "The Adventures of Captain Potato"!!! She really was pleased that I had liked the short play so much!!!
"Of course she was! And her mama was, too. That probably was good for Robin, too. She's trying to get involved with helping behind the scenes and had talked to Betsy about that. Me being such a fan of children's theater undoubtedly spoke well of Robin, too."
Very cool! I'm so glad she came out tonight in this low-40's weather... glad I did, too!
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