Sunday, January 5, 2025

whatever the weather...

I still made it to the service at Asbury Memorial Church for this first Sunday of 2025.

"I'm here, I'm here!", I wrote in the chatbox. "I wanted to be there in person for this first Sunday, but the chill factor kept me home. I am certainly there in spirit with y'all!"

I am so glad that this online, live-streamed, service is still available for those who cannot be there in person.

It began with the pandemic, but has continued.

i thank You, God.

As I noted last week, the weather has been a bit harsh, having highs that are in the 50's, and nights too cold for me to go outside.

Bear in mind that most of those temperatures come with a -6 chill factor, or wind chill, so mid-50's is really upper-40's.

Today, I knew Reverend Billy would be preaching about the Twelfth Day of Christmas, i.e., the Epiphany.

This is one of his favorite days to sermonize, and today's was titled "Reappearing Stars", with him talking of the Wisemen having to ask around for the location of the baby, as the star was not visible.

That reminds me of what I told Sarah Povie when she was small.

"Friends are always in your heart, even when you don't see them, just like the stars are always in the sky, even during the day."


Very nice sermon, and very nice memory for me!

Then came the other reason for my wanting to attend church today: communion.

Fortunately, I had grabbed one of these portable kits at the first Sunday in December!

That really helped me feel like part of the congregation, in spirit and for real.

i thank You, God.

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