Monday, November 4, 2019

wrong number, good talk

So, there I was, busy at my house, and "The Price Is Right" wasn't even on yet.
Then I got a text message.
Brenda of HVJ: Let me see first if Bill can come to beach to watch dogs. I don't leave dogs alone at night, unless it's an emergency.

me: Hi Brenda. This is Tina. Perhaps you meant to text elsewhere. :-)

her: I think you're probably right. How's Tina doing.

me: Good! Clearing out a room. My twin great-nieces move in on Friday. They are 5 yo.

her:'re going to go crazy for a little while. Then you'll adjust. Are they coming with your niece and toys?

me: They are coming with their dad - who is my nephew. I have given up my huge bedroom to the girls and their toys. :-)

her: You're a good Aunt.

me: Thanks! I saw this as the only option for them. I think we will be good after that first month of adjusting. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :-)

her: You'll do fine...ear plugs work wonders. Like my husband says. "WHY DO GIRLS ACT THAT WAY. THEY SCREAM, CRY AND THEN THEY... SCREAM AND CRY SOME MORE!!!" Thank God I had 3 boys.

me: Lol! I will just scream and cry right back at them. That's what Mama would do. :-)

her: You got it right. With my granddaughters, I would turn my hearing aids off. Told them, when they quit screaming and crying, we will talk. Until then, no talking to Grandma or Grandpa. Now they just want money.
At least Alyssa and Leila know better than to ask me for money... for now.
After all, they're just 5 years old, and their dad has done well at letting them know you can't have it all.
As I say, if you had it all, where would you put it?
Okay, break is over! Back to work I go!
I have a lot more stuff than I had realized two months ago...
I hope some of it will find a new home soon.

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