Friday, November 22, 2019

a clean bed awaits

Sadly, this has been the highlight of my week: making up my bed.
I kid you not.
I had started feeling ill shortly after moving into my "new" bedroom. Yes, I had thoroughly cleaned the new rug from Belgium. Yes, I had given it several days to air and stretch and breathe.
However, that doesn't seem to have been sufficient.
Between all of the stuff brought over by Michael and the girls the past three weekends, the crazy shifts of the weather into cold temperatures that brought the need for heat, and the new flooring in my sleeping space, it's been too much for my sinuses.
When I'd gone to the doctor on Monday, I had a raging sinus infection in full tilt boogie mode.
The next day, I also contracted influenza b, courtesy of my new housemates.
They had returned from their annual trip to Orlando on Sunday evening, with Michael sick, sick, sick.
His trip to his doctor revealed the flu. He and the girls went to his mom's for mothering and have been there all week.
If only I could have Mama taking care of me.
I sure have missed her, this week in particular.
As I've told Christina and Kevin and Scott, as well as Smitty and Tony, there's nothing anyone can really do for me.
I have antibiotics, and I have soup, and I have time to get well.
It's been an absolute blessing to have had all of that, as well as the loving thoughts of those who know of my plight.
Not having internet has added a layer of isolation, but I've been okay with that.
The internet has been lost since the 15th, when a storm came through.
Have I called Comcast about it?
The very thought of trying to hold the phone against my aching sinus passages is painful.
So, no, that will wait until I have the capability of withstanding long wait times on the phone.
I am hoping that day will soon come.
Today, I stripped the bed of all linens that had been coughed on.
Then, I took a shower and washed my hair, cleaning me of all germs.
Afterward, I went to Sandfly Laundry and washed all the bedding.
I also made use of their wifi to catch up on my emails (250+); that took a while.
(My thanks to Amber for her help getting all back to my car.)
Now, I've made up my bed with fresh, clean bedding.
I've also sprayed Lysol generously all around the room, as well as in the living room, kitchen, bath, and dining room.
Today has been my fifth day of Amoxicillin, so my sinus infection is improving, but my muscles ache, I've had a severe pain at the base of my neck for the past three days, and I am absolutely exhausted.
As Murdock would say, "I'm too old for this sh*t."
Thank God I'm retired and have no responsibility to be anywhere right now.
I pray that tomorrow will be a better day.
At least I was able to leave the house today.
i thank You, God.

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