Friday, October 20, 2017

here's four and five... and that's no jive

Hey, I told you I would do better with the next title!

Knowing someone like you...

really lifts my spirits!

Bwah ha ha!
Happy Halloween,
and happy 50th birthday,

So why did this card beg to be sent to you?
It has ghosts of two of Reverend Howard Finster's finger people!
Maybe we can take a ride u to Summerville so you can visit his Paradise Gardens.
I think that would be fun for both of us!
with my love!

A Birthday HELLO!

Dearest Tony,

May this birthday be just
the beginning of a year
filled with happy memories!
Happy Birthday!

Happy 50th birthday!
I remember the night of your birth
like it was yesterday.
October 25 of 1967 was a Wednesday,
as it is this year.

We'd had dinner and were watching television when Mama told Daddy that it was time to go to the hospital.
Mrs. Norman came over to watch us while they went.
You were born pretty soon after they got to the hospital.
What a hurry you were in to get into this world! :-)

with much love,
your one-and-only sister

ps The stamp looks like cake. Nice, right?

Now, if you, gentle reader, will excuse me, I'm going to have lunch and get these into the mail. Then I'll go wash clothes - as it's about that time - before joining the usual folks for "Glory", a Bulgarian film brought by Cinema Savannah.
Later, tater!

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