Sunday, October 29, 2017

why did the chicken avoid the pumpkin?

Why, to keep from becoming dem bones, dem bones, of course!

Sure, there was a big dog in the yard that some might have regarded as a threat, but the chicken knew him to be slow and old and friendly.
However - those pumpkins clearly had a fowl appetite, and were capable of stripping every last morsel of flesh from the bones!

Silly chicken!
The people with the knives
were the ones to fear!
Just look at my brother Smitty,
working with the skill of a surgeon
on that permanent pumpkin,
carving those fancy letters
with their friendly message of
"Happy Halloween"!

Not that he was a threat to chickens, either.
Between the grilled hotdogs, the spicy chili, and all the other foods crowding the back porch,
Robin had made sure that no one would be hungry enough to look at the chickens!
That's her, in the sleeveless shirt and the shorts and the sandals,
on a day when the rest of us
were in jackets and gloves.
So glad I don't get hot flashes!

I know we all had sympathy for
her husband, Harry, who graciously
lives in an icebox to keep her happy.
Seriously, though, we all had a
great time... even the kids did!
Now, pardon me,
but I'm at the Regal,
waiting for one of my favorite
Halloween movies, starring Jack
and my hero, Sally,
to begin.
Later, my dears!

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