Wednesday, October 25, 2017

six and seven for birthday heaven!

Dear Tony,
I'm so glad to hear that you have received not only my cards, but also two cards from Penny!
Believe me, more are on the way! I'm hoping you'll have about fifty - what a coincidence! - by the end of the week.
In fact, the birthday card I've attached counts as one more!

Honestly, I can't believe I found another image with finger people - what a hoot!
I called today to see about setting up a phone visit with you, but the woman told me they weren't doing that anymore.
I guess Aunt Linda got very lucky that Mr. Autry happened to be there when she had called last week! The woman I spoke to could not believe that even happened. :-)
Know that you will be on my mind and prayers for you will be in my heart.
with my love

***** _____ ***** _____ *****

That's the message I posted at JPay late last night. I wanted to make sure he received at least ONE birthday greeting on his actual birth day.

I also mailed this other one yesterday, too.

On special days
like Halloween
and every moment
in between...

Hope you know
how much YOU mean!
Enjoy the day!

Dear Tony,
Thinking of you and
hoping your birthday
was special,
in a good way!
with my love!

Two old men who had known each other for decades were playing cards.
One looked at the other and said, "I know we've been friends for a long time, but I just can't remember you name. Please tell me what your name is."
The other old man looked at him, glaring, for at least three minutes.
Finally, he said, "how soon do you need to know?"

Hope you never forget you own name!

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