Friday, October 13, 2017


Get it?
On "The Big Bang Theory", someone - perhaps Penny, showing Bernadette and Amy how to pull off a phone prank - caught Sheldon with this one.
Unfamiliar with it?
Here's all you have to do.
1) Call someone and claim to be from the phone company, checking their reception.
2) Ask the person to repeat the following phrases:
----------------- o
----------------- watta
----------------- gu
----------------- siam

3) End by asking the person to repeat the four phrases again, but faster.
4) If they haven't gotten it by then, ask them to repeat it three more times, quickly.
5) Laugh heartily and hang up!

I definitely deserve to have someone laugh at my silly self.
In fact, I should have a hearty laugh at my silly self, too.
Then, I need to engage in some useful activity to restore my confidence...
and I should still be sure to not wear dresses in the presence of testosterone containers.
Pretty flammable combination, if exposed for more than two hours...
even with no alcohol involved.

For the time being, I'll restrict myself to group events.
You know, like the LLS Light The Night Walk this evening - that will be at Daffin Park this year.
It's been a couple of years since I did it.
This time around, I'll again wear my "Cheering Scientists Toward a Cure" shirt that I made.
That'll commemorate the last time that the College of Science and Technology at Armstrong will be represented, as we kiss that goodbye this year.
May as well fly my colors while there's still a flag to be hoisted!

Now, I'm going to go work in the yard and burn off some energy... and mute some brain cells.
Have you ever noticed that physical work causes your mind to shut up?
Those are both positive things in my life right now.
Then, tonight, I'll dine with Carolyn on bbq with bowties prior to our viewing of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" at the Carmike. (Yes, I did see it just last Saturday... and your point is?)
Maybe Barbara and Sandy and Jackie will join us... we'll see.
Meanwhile, the weather has granted a cooler day, so let me throw myself out of the house now, while I am inclined to chop up some vegetation in the name of "controlling something that I can", much like I did a month ago.

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