Sunday, February 19, 2017

red fish, blue fish!

Dr. Seuss would have approved, I know!
For breakfast this morning, I had two sliced oranges...and a dark chocolate nut-laden bar.
More fruit (and vegetables) in each meal keeps me fuller and happier and less zombie-ish.
So does coffee.
Today, I had that tasty beverage for the first time in almost a week.
That's how long it's been since I ran out.
I keep meaning to go to the grocery store...but that hasn't happened.
My pantry and fridge were stocked and I had lots of free apples and oranges, courtesy of some generous folks in the chemistry and physics department, who had left their surplus in the copy room.
This is usually the time of year I really feel the pinch of no paycheck since December.
Fortunately, I've been blessed with plenty of free events this month.
Life is good.
And today, I had coffee...
thanks to the last few grains in the coffee bin, plus a bit of decaf found behind a tea container.
Sure tasted - and smelled! - wonderful as I dined on free fruit!
I even watched "CBS Sunday Morning" for the first time in a month!
Life is good.
And this afternoon, baby, I have a free musical by the Masquers!

i thank You, God, for most this amazing day...

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