Monday, February 20, 2017

two odds make an even

Hey! That's math!

Yes, I know! What's even cooler is those words were uttered by Chris Soucy tonight as he proposed to Megan Jones, his girlfriend of the past seven years.
And I was there to witness it, amazingly!
It was after the "last lines" skit, the final bit of improv comedy for Odd Lot at Muse Arts Warehouse.
What a night!
I'm so glad my nephew Michael and his Melanie were there to share the good times!

Odd Lot is going away???

No, no, no. That off-center bunch simply will not be performing their Monday Night Madness at the place where they began, those seven+ years ago.
They're relocating their Monday show to the coffee shop on Liberty, home of their Friday night "On The Spot Mysteries" dinner theatre.

I do hope the change of venue won't affect the size of their audience...

Me, too. Actually, the parking situation may be the greatest concern. But, we'll see. They did allude to a decrease in the number of thespians to be allowed on the smaller stage. I guess that's why there were at least fifteen Odd Lotters performing tonight!

I arrived late, but in time for "Conducting Gripes", a piece that can get pretty loud!
Justin was the maestro, leading them to change volume in accordance with his whims.
Chris (on the right) groused about styrofoam, while Lynita (redhead) had her beef with bad drivers.
Pretty funny!

Oh, I know that skit! You did it several years ago when you took the workshop to become Odd!

So I did, almost five years ago...
Time flies!
This skit was lots of fun to watch and hear! Doug was a hillbilly soothsayer, helping folks figure out the odd things they brought him. Here, we see Trick has provided what is pronounced to be a "Russian roulette Rubik's cube", which might - or might not! - blow up and destroy whoever was holding it.

Did you offer any odd object to be used this time?

No, I'm a frayed knot.
Hahahahha! Hey, I was fortunate to be there at all, as late as I was.
But the Eight-Headed Storyteller was a blast, regaling us with the tale of "The Thirsty, Thirsty Caterpillar", as recommended by Danielle.
Very odd and not really for children!

Oh, my!

Oh, yes! Alcohol was the caterpillar's craving!
Definitely different, but the next one was back on target.
This scene is from "Party Guests", with the hostess trying to identify her invitee's quirks.
Thomas oddly "Could Not Believe It's Not Butter"!!! Hilarious!
What made it even funnier was the realization that the hostess was completely unaware of that ad!!!
Is that marketing campaign so old???

It may well be. I really don't know.

I don't know, either.
But here's the odd thing: everyone in the room still knew "The Dating Game", and that show has been off the air for decades!
Dorsey was a hoot as the snotty confectioner trying to choose between the Sasquatch (Trick), the Sugarplum Fairy (Doug) and Jax's bodybuilder.
Contestant Two for me!

For me, too! Doug is just so awesome, as you've noted before!
No haberdashery going on tonight?

Not this time, but plenty of other hijinx and shenanigans.
The evening was capped off with Chris' proposal, as I had said earlier.
But not before Odd Lot presented their benefactress, the amazing JinHi, with a commemorative photo of the group...
in a cracked frame, of course.
As I said before...
what an amazing night!

I remember those fledgling years when I would be one of the faithful twenty or so audience members, sometimes with other friends in tow, sharing the laughs.
They remember that, too, and have always kindly included at least one of my suggestions in a skit or two.
Thanks, y'all, for the many good times in this glorious space!

i thank You, God, that I was able to be there tonight!

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