Friday, February 17, 2017

carrot browns for breakfast

Typically, this is my new breakfast.
To decrease my WW points used in the morning, I've tried to limit my bread intake.
That means starchy vegetables are out, too.
No hash brown potatoes for me, thanks!
But what to use in their place, to still give that nice chew?
I have found that shredded carrots or shredded Brussels sprouts work very well.
Now, as a rule, I have my no-fat eggs as an omelet, of sorts, on a carrot base.
I had told my first niece about it and she found it interesting.
So, for her and anyone else, here's how I do it.

Begin with either a teaspoon of oil or the spray oil.
(I like to use olive oil.)
Spread it around in the pan, over a medium-high heat.
Liberally sprinkle shredded carrots onto the oil.

If you're wanting more veggies,
go ahead and add them now.
For this case, I've thrown in
some shredded Brussels sprouts - yum!
Cook a few minutes,
until you have heard the water
leaving the carrots
(you may see white wisps of vapor).

Now, pour on the egg cup
(or two eggs of your choice).
Allow to cook until partially set.
Use a spatula to loosen the
concoction from the pan...
then flip over!
This is the sight which
should greet you.

Now for the finishing touches!
This is when to add the Mrs. Dash
(I like the lemon pepper kind)
or any other spices you like
(dill is especially nice!),
as well as perhaps some cheese...
definitely some cheese!
(I prefer sharp cheddar.)

Lower the heat a bit,
so the egg doesn't get tough.
When the cheese looks soft,
you should flip up the other
half to close up the omelet.
Let it rest about thirty seconds,
then flip over.
Turn off the heat, let it rest again,
then turn it onto your plate.

Now, go ahead and dig in - breakfast is served!
The whole thing is only five WW points -
2 for the oil, 2 for the cheese, and 1 for the egg.
I tend to serve fruit on the other half of the plate - pretty, with zero WW points.

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