Thursday, February 22, 2018

an offer i could not refuse

Just when I thought I was done with budgeting
my food intake, they dragged me back in
with an offer I could not refuse.
Well, I could have... but if someone wants to
pay me $100 to lose weight and all I have to lose
is ten pounds, I'd be silly not take the deal... right?
Especially since many of the foods have been
reassessed and will only 'cost' zero points of the
daily and weekly 'food intake budget' I've received.

And so, yesterday, before meeting the Secrest for lunch, I signed on the dotted line. I agreed to stick with their new WW Freestyle program for six months; they agreed to pay me one hundred dollars for the loss of ten pounds.
As a perk, the program will be costing me almost 25% less than the usual $44.95/month. That means I'll receive six months of enrollment for the cost of about 4.5 months. Plus, that $100 'reward' essentially backpays me for almost three of those months.
I'll actually be paying for right under two months of the cost of six months' meetings and support. Plus, they waived the registration fee.
How could I possibly say no... right?

I went, rather jubilantly, from the WW Center over to Sushi Time Towa to meet the bfe.
We had originally intended on a noon luncheon, but a meeting came up that he had to attend.
(That allowed me to make the noon15 WW group to get started. i thank You, God, for the push.)
Tekka Ju was my choice - isn't it beautiful?!
It came with miso soup and ginger salad -
pretty wonderful for my first WW-plan meal!

I have felt fairly in control of the food issue, too - until this evening.
This was the first day of the Francophone Film Festival and there was a low-key reception of fruit, cheese, and crackers.
Let me just say this: cheese is very expensive on my WW plan.
Eight one-inch cubes of swiss and cheddar ate up half my daily points allowance.
I would have liked to have the fruit instead... but the bowl contained toxic poison.
Honestly, why must strawberries be in a fruit bowl???
Why not add raspberries or cherries if a splash of red is desired?
I will try not to panic...
but it's difficult when this is only my second day and I already feel overwhelmed.
I'll try to remember to take it one day at a time...
and I'll have to see about having some 'safe' food with me at all times.

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