Tuesday, February 13, 2018

heat, snow, and a little bear

This is my very favorite type of snow: showy pink petals!
I very nearly went out in the yard and made a snow angel - very nearly!
Maybe I would have if the new blower motor wasn't being installed at the time.
Yep, that's correct: I now have heat again!
Old Coast HVAC sent out their lead man, Robbie, to do the install.
Good thing, too, as a major modification needed to be done.
There would have been too much shaft for my system...
wink, wink, nod, nod...
so it had to have a bit of surgery so it would sit just right.
Seriously! Robbie had to saw off three inches!
And now, it fits just perfectly

How did I pass the time while the blower motor was being replaced?
I wrapped presents!
Actually, the gifts had been wrapped quite some time ago -
then were stashed in my gift closet to await delivery.
Fast forward to last night.
The ex had asked if I would mind mailing birthday presents to his grandson.
Sure, I could do that!
Just a year later than planned...
but that's just fine!
He's only 3 - still little enough to enjoy them!
The ex and I had been 'talking' because I had
sent this photo of those fancy Polish doughnuts
that only get baked for Mardi Gras.
Paczki!!! I prefer these raspberry ones, but
I bought a package of apple ones for Mister Willie.
I'll be sure to deliver them tomorrow so
Mr. Smith can get his 'Jones' on!
That's the least I can do, since I'm the one
that got him hooked on them several years ago.
This present was also shipped out for
the child's third birthday celebration.
Yes, the wrapping paper speaks to it being
a Christmas gift, but I don't think the little boy
will be looking that hard at the package.
He'll want to know "what's inside!"
I'm pretty curious about that, too.
His grandad is wondering about that as well.
Hey, it's been more than a year ago, okay?

After the Post Office, I came straight back home.
No movie this afternoon for me -
the bfe was on his way to take me out!
But first, he wanted to meet the cats while they were still residents of my Ocean Room.
While he distracted them, I refreshed their water and food (and sprayed some deodorizer).
Then it was our turn to get fed and watered!

Off to Bonefish we went - in his chariot!
What a treat to be driven to dinner!
Because of the weekday, we were able to take advantage of their "Hooked On Tuesday" menu -
beautiful salad, tasty entree, two sides, and lovely dessert, for less than sixteen dollars.
I even have some of my Cod Piccata for tomorrow!
That's partly because we had Bang Bang Shrimp first...
but also because i wanted to eat my dessert there!
The Macademia Brownie, with its raspberry drizzle,
was a sweet treat that I don't usually order -
and eating it there in the warm restaurant
allowed me to spend more time with him -
so, definitely a win-win situation.
We don't get to see each other much these days,
but maybe that will soon change.
We have lunch plans for next week -
I'll be looking forward to that!

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