Wednesday, October 24, 2018

a nice day for a good knight

Joe Pena, Andy's dad, was laid to rest today, beside his wife, Shirley.

He, like my father, had been in the US Air Force.
Joe had retired after twenty years of service to this country.
(Daddy had served for three years.)

He, like my father, had been a member of a civic-minded, well-established and historic group that benefited the community.
Joe was a member of the Knights of Columbus, an organization of practical Catholic men who were men of charitable action.
(Daddy was a Mason, a non-denominational fraternity with the object of "making good men better" through social involvement.)

He, like my father, had four children.
His were all sons, all present for the remembrance today.
(Only Smitty and I attended the celebration of Daddy's life.)

I was there today, for Joe's mass and the burial and the reception afterward.
As I told Andy, I had always respected his dad as a good man.
I'm glad so many others were there who agreed.
I'm glad to have been able to spend more time with Andy and Sheryl, with Wendy and Liam, with Conor and Ashley and little Alice.
I'm glad to have had the chance to speak to Mamie, who had been Shirley's best friend and was Joe's long-time companion. She talked to me as if we had only been separated a little while, when, in truth, it's been more than 15 years since I last saw her. She even asked about Jeff, not knowing we were divorced.
Strange how time can seem to stand still, isn't it?
And now, after the last blessings and kind words had been said about this friend's father, time proceeded on its forward journey, as it always does.
i thank You, God, that i was there today, to lend comfort and joy.

Now, I'm going to Wacky Wednesday with Odd Lot for them to do the same for me.

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