Saturday, October 6, 2018

ronnie is much better, thanks

I could have gone to a movie, but I chose not to, even though it was Saturday night.
Instead, I went in search of my middle brother.
It had been almost a week since I'd last seen him.
Before I left for Disney with his twin granddaughters, I wanted to touch base with him.
I'm glad I did!
Ronnie's left eye is healing quite well and he looks so much better!
Sure, he was drunk when I located him.
He'd been hanging out with Teresa and her dog while she did laundry.
After loading her and her stuff into a taxi, I talked to Ronnie.
Did he want to go somewhere and have a soda or coffee?
How about some dessert?
I doubted that he was hungry, but how often does he get cake, right?
When he heard about the carrot cake at The Diner, that struck a chord.
Yeah, he told me, that sounded like a good idea.
And so that is where we went...
but not right away.
I wanted him to sober up a bit before we hit that spot.
We rode out to southside, so I could get gas at the cheap Parker's.
Ronnie even pumped the gas for me.

By the time we finally arrived at the The Diner, he was quite rational.
We looked at the cakes in the cake fridge - there was even red velvet! -
but, in the end, he opted for French toast and bacon.
Dessert that doubled as breakfast food! Nice!
Then, afterwards, we went to the CVS so he could get new glasses -
and a nice, sturdy case for them - to replace the ones he'd lost.
i thank You, God, that I had this time with him today...
and that I had the ability to grant him eyeglasses.


faustina said...

Oh, one more funny thing!
We were talking about songs and I had mentioned "send money, guns, and butter". He looked at me like I was crazy and said I had the lyrics wrong, it was "money, guns, and drugs". We asked the cook and he opted to not partake in the conversation. LOL!
Fortunately, Tony came to our mental rescue! We were both wrong, he texted. The Warren Zevon song was "Send LAWYERS, guns, and MONEY".
Hahahaha hahhaha!

the Univers said...

3:36 AM

When someone behaves poorly, Faustina, it's always because they've forgotten how powerful they really are, how beautiful life is, and how much they're loved.

The Universe