Wednesday, July 17, 2019

bananas rocking those kilts again!

I give full credit to Bill LeRoy, I do.
Last year, when the Savannah Bananas first wore the black and yellow tartans on the field, the young men had been out for fun with the one-time stunt.
Then, a rain-out had meant donning the kilts for a second game.
They had all been self-conscious for most of that game.
This 2019 team was fortunate enough to have a veteran of that time, Bill, to encourage them to embrace the novelty.

Here's one of our All-Stars, Ethan Baucom, #29, taking his place in the batters box.
Not only did he rock this manly attire while at bat, but also during his working of the glove at his first-base post.
I have to wonder if he might be part-Scottish!
Rock on!
Mike Williams, #24, is another of our lucky seven All-Stars playing tonight, including Bill and Ethan.
With his long and lean look, the
kilt was naturally going to swing
and sway!
He looked great wherever he was tonight - taking his turn at bat, catching long balls into left field,
or rounding the bases and heading to home plate!
The other All-Star hitter, Gabe Howell, I didn't catch "on film".
However, I made a point of zooming in on the three All-Star pitchers!
Jordan Merritt, #10, gave me plenty of opportunities, too.
Not only was he the starting man on the mound, but he totally and completely owned that spot for seven innings.
Magnificent pitching!
That extra-tall order of fearless
sass shown here on the mound is
Alex Degen, #35.
He's the first man to dance whenever the music is cranked up and he certainly knew how to move that kilt around!
Maybe the New Jersey son is part-Scot and has been in a Saint Patrick's Day parade.
Pretty good pitcher, too, keeping control of that eighth inning!
The pitcher for the final inning was Dustin Saenz, #21, and here he is during his warm-up.
As the closer, his task was to keep the visitors from getting a tying run, and he did.
Three up, three down, and the game was done!
Plus, he looked so sexy up there on the mound while he was closing things down!
As I told Scott, I absolutely love a man in a kilt!
They are so very fine!!!
Part of my joy while watching the Parade on March 17th is watching the dip and sway of those many, any kilts atop those firm and shapely men's legs as they march -
Not that Scott's legs aren't very nice - truly, they are - but there's something extra about a kilt.
As for Mister Willie Smith, Junior, he was happy that there was a baseball game, but...
he did not like the "skirts on the men", nope, not one little bit.
I assured him, to no avail, that these were not "skirts" but "kilts" and, as such, were only worn by men and had been for centuries.
He was happy that I was happy, so that's what really mattered.
And was I happy?
I was absolutely delighted!
I had Mister Willie to my right and Scott to my left...
I'd had the sheer joy of watching my kilted boys of summer playing the game I love...
and then the "sexy saxophone player", Brian, came over and serenaded me!
He was even wearing a kilt!

As icing on the cake, the Savannah Bananas were again victorious when clad in kilts, as they had been last year!
This time, the game was against the Lexington County Blowfish, who are quickly becoming one of my favorite opponents.
Not only do they make a point of shaking hands after a game, but they participate in the "Salute to the Troops", too.
Bravo to both teams for an excellent game tonight!

I was definitely in the right place, right time on this summer evening, a point reinforced when I went to fetch my car.
A team bus was partially blocking the small lot for handicapped parking, so I was skirting around it when I caught a gleam right in front of me.
Was that a penny?
I looked several times before i realized it was partially hidden in a crack.
It certainly was a piece of copper, a rather shiny, though slightly bent, coin from 2016.
That made me laugh!
Originating in 2016?
Shiny and new looking?
Slightly bent?
Certainly sounds like the Savannah Bananas, doesn't it, and a joke from Daddy!
i thank You, God!

1 comment:

faustina said...

The Savannah Morning News had a very nice story about Austin Thompson and Bill LeRoy.
Read all about it here.
