Saturday, July 27, 2019

meet & eat with the boys of summer!

Here's Alex Degen, #35, graciously bending his 6'8" frame as I marvel
at his height.
The New Jersey pitcher has been serving as dancing first-base coach during Maceo's absence.
I advised him to continue to be fearless in his dancing!
Bill LeRoy, #1 and a Georgia peach, is a little closer to my height, especially without his cowboy boots.
He's been my favorite catcher for the past two years.
He didn't yet know about the photo of him standing behind home plate, in his catcher's gear and kilt, looking fierce and as if he'd just stepped off a Scottish moor, but he does now.
A double delight is right here!
That's newcomer Tanner Thomas of Florida to my left and Statesboro native Dalton Ross to my right.
Tanner will most likely play his last game tonight, as Virginia Tech is calling him back.
However, the Georgia pitcher is here for the duration, I hope!
He liked my story about watching him throw T-shirts like he was going to hurl a ball to the outfield!
I had hoped to get a few words with Mike Williams, the Texan hitter with the mean glove in left field.
However, once I brought him over to Mister Willie, my chance was done and I was out of the picture.
No worries, that gave me more time with my nephew Michael!
He was there with his two little blonde ones and with his new girlfriend, Shanna.
This was a little earlier, when we were still munching on ribs and barbequed chicken from The Outback - certainly not our standard ballpark fare!
Berry Aldridge was sitting and talking with Mister Willie, there at the first table.
And who is that in the distance and heading our way?
It's Split, the King of Potassium!
Thanks, Savannah Bananas!

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