Sunday, July 28, 2019

as jim croce would say

"Don't you know I had a dream last night
That you were here with me
Lyin' by my side so soft and warm

And we talked a while
And shared a smile
And then we shared the dawn
But when I woke up
Oh, my dream it was gone

"Dreamin' Again" - yes, that's what I've been doing.
Dreams so wonderful that I tried to jumpstart them by crawling back into bed.
Were they about rapid Roy perhaps, that tattooed race car driver?
No, but I did find out recently that the running bear has a tattoo.
Wait, let me correct that: he just told me that he has three, but the only one I've seen is on the upper part of his right arm. Usually he wears shirts that cover it, but when we went to Moe's for the "Tunnel To Towers" fundraiser, the shirt had short enough sleeves that part of the tattoo was visible. It really threw me for a loop that I've known him for so many years and never knew that about him.
We can only know that which others are willing to share with us.
Nice to still be able to be surprised!

Surprised is certainly what I've been in my dreams of late.
Friday morning I had awakened from being in the company of Johnny Depp. I was somewhere with a large group of people, at night, listening to a band covering Queen tunes. The scene seemed to be on River Street. Then I spotted Johnny Depp, coming down an outside staircase, and our eyes met and held. At the foot of the steps, he had placed his right arm around my waist and I had embraced him with my left arm, so our gaze never faltered. Another woman was held by his left arm, but he did not glance at her.
He said to me, "If we keep meeting like this, people will talk."
"Let them talk, they have no say in what is between us."
"Well then," he said, his laughing eyes matching his smile, "why don't we give them something to truly talk about?"
My response had been quick. "I don't think you could handle a night with me. It's been a while that I've been in need of a lost weekend. Plus, I know how attached I can become. That wouldn't be fair to you."
His arm still around my waist, he pulled me closer for a moment, nodding as he did so, our eyes still locked, still standing in place at the foot of that stone staircase with the wrought-iron railing.
Then, he acknowledged the woman on his left arm and we three proceeded down the cobblestones.
Fireworks were to soon be in the air and we wanted a good place to watch them.
We had settled onto a low stone wall.
He had signaled to someone - an assistant close at hand? - and large pillows were brought for us to sit on.
Meanwhile, the other woman had gone off with some friends.
My ex came up then, with my red leather purse that I had left in the street when I had joined up with the actor.
I'm not sure that I even knew Jeff was in town.
I'm not sure, but the woman may have been his Amy.
All I am sure of is that Johnny Depp and I were again side by side, arms linked, waiting for the fireworks to begin.
- And then I awoke, smile still on my lips.
I tried for an hour to get back into that dream.

The dream from which I reluctantly awoke this morning was about a past love.
It was late afternoon, I think, or maybe early evening.
I was out and about, as I usually am, but I'm not sure where.
At a ballgame? At a play? At an improv show?
Suddenly, this smiling man, with a head full of wavy white hair and matching mustache and goatee, is standing before me, locking his dark brown eyes to mine.
Taking me in his arms, he tilts me back and kisses me full on the lips, then brings me upright again and releases me from his embrace.
Stunned - but not angry, just very surprised - I say to him, "Do I know you?"
He replied, "Oh, I think you remember this flyguy."
And I did.
I recognized that voice at once.
"Pete Derby? Is that really you?"
Sure enough, he was that "flyguy CTI" who had been my first boyfriend in Okinawa. He was the one who took me around to the historic sites, to the shrines, to the beaches there. he was the one who bestowed to me his custom-made futon and tatami mats when he had PCS'ed off The Rock.
The last I had heard from him was that he and Eul Jin, the woman he met and married in that next duty station in South Korea, had returned to the States, but that was years ago.
Why was he here now?
His precious pearl had died a year or so ago.
He found the NSGA Hanza group on facebook recently and saw a post I had created there.
He had recognized my name, of course, and looked me up to be sure.
Savannah? That rang a bell.
Taking a chance, he'd come to town.
Taking a chance, he'd found an event I was attending.
Taking a chance, he'd sought me out and kissed me.
I'm so glad he did.
Now, if only I had been able to return to the dream and seen what happened next...

I looked for him on fb, but did not find him.
It would be very nice to see him again and hear of his adventures...

Now, I'm off to see "Kiki's Delivery Service", a thirty-year-old Japanese anime about a flying thirteen-year-old girl.
If I had thought about it in time, I might have contacted the bfe and seen if he wanted to join me.
Hey, it's a joke between us, okay?
I wonder what he would think about my sweet dreams?
(Yes, that's another one for the physicist.)

1 comment:

faustina said...

That futon that Peter David Derby gave to me?
I gave it to someone else a few years ago.
A woman at Asbury Memorial had lost all she owned in a fire.
That futon made not only a good bed for her, but also a nice chair.
I'm sure Pete would have approved.