Saturday, December 14, 2019

making crafts with dad!

When I went to bed last night, Michael was still awake.
He'd promised an arts and crafts day to the twins...
but first, he needed to figure out the patterns they would need.
Starting from scratch, they were, with the idea nestled firmly inside his head.
Like I said, he was still up when I retired to my warm bed.
These were awaiting when I awoke.
He had one model of the stable completed - see it in the foreground, on the right?
Now his task was to have the participation of his darling daughters in the construction of these manger scenes!
Alyssa was playing to th camera, while Leila rather studiously applied glue to a side board (craft stick) just prior to affixing it to the stable (polystyrofom cable housing).
A few scenes later, Leila is trying to help her sister squeeze out the fairly thick craft glue.
Who knew they would have such different hand strengths?
Notice, also, that the roof of Leila's stable now sports a yellow felt coating.
That was to even out the terrain so the roof portions would lay as they should and not at crazy angles.
Here's Daddy giving them a few helpful pointers.
Things like, "keep the glue container on its side so the glue doesn't settle in the bottom."
Things like, "when you get glue on your fingers, rub them together to make the glue ball up and fall off."
Things like, "are y'all ready to take a break for awhile and maybe go to the park?"
He's a good dad.

Now, I need to get a little something to nosh before I go to the Lucas.
I'm so glad I was the historian for this arts and crafts day!
(I'm so glad I had a tablecloth to put down, too.
i thank You, God.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Oh, hooray! Before they loaded up the minivan and drove to Bev-er-ly - oops, I mean out to Guyton, lol - Michael made sure I received one of the five manger scenes!
Yes, even after the debacle about Leila killing the last tub dolphin.
That was all yesterday, Saturday, the 21st.
Somehow, after this day of peace and quiet...
wrapping gifts while the rain fell and fell and fell...
that all seems so long ago.
How kind of time to work that way.
i thank You, God.