Monday, December 9, 2019

monday, with a tree, after all

The Universe
4:44 AM

Whenever something doesn't work out the way you thought it would, Faustina, instead of thinking that something went wrong, see it as something that went unexpectedly well, but for reasons that are not yet apparent.
Everything plays to your favor.
The Universe
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I only know checked my email and found the above message.
I wonder how things today might have gone if I'd been aware of it earlier?
All I can say for sure is that it certainly was correct.
After the events of last night, I had looked forward to rising to an empty house.
Michael would be at work, the girls would be at their sitter, and I would be home alone.
But that's not how things worked at all.
I can't say that I really know why he didn't go to work, but he didn't.
That meant he and the five-year-olds were very much still here when I finally arose.
not what I was planning on at all.
But that worked out in my favor, as Michael made breakfast for all of us: pancakes!
He served them with slices of banana and apple, too, so it was a healthy meal - bonus!
Okay, that was a very nice start to the day...
and the day was warm, too, allowing the house to be aired out...
which encouraged us to be up and busy and outside.
Well, fine.
I had told Michael last week that I was not putting up a tree, as I didn't have room.
I've been feeling rather crowded and truly need to keep my entry room of my safe haven - i.e., the living room - as open and inviting as possible.
To that end, I had set up my Island of Misfit Toys on the coffee table last Monday.
A nice, low-level acknowledgement of the holiday season that was placed in the only space possible for a tree.
I also had a few other decorations out on the doors and entertainment center, but certainly not my usual and certainly not anything breakable.
Michael put up no fuss about the lack of a tree.

Then this weekend came along, with me ushering at two matinees of "The Nutcracker" with dancers of all sizes, from older than I to younger than my twin great-nieces.
To top it off, the Savannah Ballet Theatre had a live orchestra supplying the music and truly classing up their production - very nice!
Plus, after the Sunday matinee, I'd gone straight to the Christmas party at my church!
I must say, the Christmas spirit was all over me!
Or maybe it was the sugar rush from so many desserts.
In either case, even with the sadness of last night still looming large, I decided to get the small version of my "permanent" tree set up.

So, that's what I did.
I even invited Leila and Alyssa to help me,
which they did quite enthusiastically!
They took instruction very well, too!
They needed a bit of help to get the limbs
into place, but they did very well at
splaying out the fingers of the limbs.
Of the nine limbs, they did six of them.
Good job!
Before long, they had the large top section
ready to be placed!
Then I strung the lights onto the tree, giving
them time to help their dad organize their room.
I asked for their help with Mother Pat's "Twelve
Days of Christmas" ornaments, plus a few others,
then I left for "Midway" and they rode their
scooters out front with their dad.
By the time I returned, they'd had taco salad and
a nice visit with Shauna... and there was even
some food for me!
Then I had the girls help place the plastic jewels,
the painted wooden stars, and the brightly-hued
wooden Easter eggs!
Very nice... and nothing breakable at all!
The girls placed the Misfits and company under
the tree, too.
Looks like Christmas is definitely coming!

I'm so glad we all had this day together, sharing in the spirit of the season.
i thank You, God.

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