Friday, August 18, 2017

football? at Armstrong???

Why were all these folks sitting on bleachers?
Was a baseball game getting ready to begin?
After all, we were on the Armstrong campus -
and we were on one of the baseball fields -
but that sport was not in play.
It was for football scrimmage that we gathered!
That's me with the fuchsia hat!
Remember that trip when I wore it?

All those fine young men, out there in the heat, just for us!
Practicing their running, practicing their passing, practicing their catching!
It's been quite a while since I had the chance to see a scrimmage -
not since my days at Florida State University, watching the Seminoles.
That would include watching 'neon' Deion Sanders, too, live and in person. He was the big player when I was there in 1987 and 1988. Going to the games with my AXE brothers, cheering for the 'Noles - such fun!

This time was certainly not the 'Noles - wrong colors!
No, folks, these are the Eagles, as the sign says.
As the Armstrong campus of Georgia Southern University, our new colors will be theirs: blue and white.
I think this will be the first time since middle school
that one of my colors has not been in the red spectrum!
Time for a change!

Here's another change, too: no more Pirates.
Hello, big and beautiful Eagles!
They even have a real live Eagle mascot -
and they have a costumed Eagle mascot, too, of course.
Here I am again, waiting to get close to Freedom -
isn't he totally gorgeous?!
What a grand evening this has been!

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