Friday, August 11, 2017

not with a bang, not with a banana

I'm not sure why Damon Knight's classic science-fiction story came to mind at the end of the game, but it did.
The Petitt Cup Championship won last year by the Savannah Bananas will be passed on to another team in the Coastal Plains League.
The boys of this seaport are out of the competition.
Still and all, they certainly had a banner second year!
I'll allow this fan's positive spin to recap the season.

Marty Jones (on facebook):
Disappointed with the final score but not our Team!!!!
They started 3-9 and made it to the Playoffs!!!
They had the Best home record in the League!!!
They Broke the attendance record that they set last year!!!!
They Rallied from a 3-2 game against the Hi-Toms in a Elimination to stay alive in the playoffs!!!
This team gave the city something to be proud of - thank you, I can't wait for next season ##Go Bananas!!!!!!!

So, what did we have on this final Friday of baseball?
Incredible weather, for starters!
After hard rains for the past two days and cloudy skies this morning, we had nothing but blue with wisps of white for game time.
i thank You, God!

We had the newlywed game of
Glove At First Sight!
After a dizzy bat spin,
the husband and wife try to capture Drew
as he tries to evade them.

We also had the thrill of
Bagpipes over Bananas!
Trust me, the sold-out crowd
certainly was entertained
by the man in the kilt -
I sure was!
I was praying for a breeze, too!
(wink wink, nudge nudge!)

We had our little Bat Boy,
retrieving the wood
from the field.
We had three umpires out there,
rather than the usual two,
triple-checking the calls
for foul balls and
close plays at the bases
and even for a balk tonight.

We had Nunez' little brother
showing that he could, indeed,
Dance Better Than A Banana.
That may not have been fair,
though, as the kid might have
had too much practice
showing up his big brother.

We had the Dancing Bananas
performing "Thriller" again!
That was a sweet treat!
Then we had more kids, regaling
us for the 7th inning stretch.
Maybe I need to teach them
my moves for that song!

We had folks continually
checking on Mister Willie.
"Can I get you anything?"
That surprised the new folk
that I'd had to chase
out of his seat
before the game.
I told them he was special!

I had two of my favorite men sitting with me for the entire game -
how blessed am I!
i thank You, God!
I had somehow bought an extra ticket to the game...
so I invited Bill, naturally!
That gave me one more opportunity to get lots of petting with Tucker,
one more chance to share laughs with this sweet man,
and the time to remind him he is beloved by me and many others.
His house closes next month, but I may have convinced him to stay through October -
after all, California won't have the "God on Broadway" sermons!

Farewell, my boys of summer!
Thank you for so many good times
shared with the bfe,
shared with Willie and Rosalind,
shared with Bill and Tucker,
shared with my student, Brooke,
shared with Julie the artist,
shared with the Peace guy and Bill,
shared with Willie, from beginning
to this very last game of 2017.
I have been truly blessed.

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