Thursday, August 17, 2017

good news from north Georgia!

from my youngest brother, August 16, 4:22 PM:

HI Tina, guess what?
I went to see Mr. Gourguss(?) the counselor today. He told me that my request to transfer to a T.C. was looked at and approved(hallelujah) on the 9th. Now that's truly a reason to smile:-) Finally.
It's been over 100 days that I've been eligible. I knew it was going to happen that I would go to a T.C. prior to being paroled. But I was really holding my breath in wonder/fear that the request may not be approved until a later date.
I walked out of his office and let out a little shout. A real weight has been lifted from me today. Praise God!
Hope all is well with you, perhaps I'll be seeing you very soon.
I'll be needing a phone number to call when I get to where ever I'm going
Wow, I can hardly believe this is really almost over. I love you Tina.
God bless you, His peace be with you
bye for now

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I didn't find the notification that he had sent me a message until just a few minutes ago.
Yes, there is still a lag in our communications, but not as much as through the postal system, which was upwards of two weeks between his asking me a question and his receiving my response.
Speaking of responses, here's mine, sent at 11:25 this morning:


Tony, that is such wonderful news!!!!
I do hope you will be transferred quickly, now that you have been approved.
Will you take your J-Tablet with you so you can continue to receive these messages?
As for phone numbers:
mine is 912-
Smitty's is 912-

I'll make sure I answer any phone calls from numbers I don't know. Smitty already does that for his cell phone (the number I gave you), but not for his home phone. Just in case you need that, too, it's 912-.

Okay, I must fly now, as I have a full day ahead... but I'm so glad I checked here first!
with much love!

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Now, if you'll pardon me, I truly do need to fly!
I'm meeting Dawn for lunch at the foodie event on Armstrong's campus - she and I have been playing lunch-tag for months!
Then, I'll be going to the event concerning the upcoming solar eclipse this afternoon! The library system is trying to educate folks so no one ends up with a blind spot - like I have in my right eye from the partial solar eclipse I witnessed on May 9th of 1967. How do I know it was that one and not the total solar eclipse in 1970?

I remember it vividly (no pun intended). The eclipse was on a blue-sky Tuesday morning, but I was at home, so the schools must have been closed that day. I was standing in the playground area of Lamara Apartments with my pinhole viewer I had made in school. The street lights came on and my dog, Bobo, laid down to go to sleep. I looked up, to peek at the eclipse when it was at maximum - and received the blind spot, so I would remember the event forever.
The whole thing lasted about forty-five minutes. I don't know if my Heinz-57 dog got much of a nap, but maybe he did. I was not quite nine years old and don't recall that detail.
The total solar eclipse on March 9, 1970, was obscured from view here in Savannah by cloud cover. I don't recall having that Monday
This year, we're all hoping for blue skies, as it will be partial here in Savannah. I need to make sure I have eclipse glasses this time! Yes, even though I won't be driving to Charleston to see the total eclipse of the sun.
Then, later this evening, there's so much to choose from - it's crazy this time of year! So many cultural events, only one me!

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