Monday, August 28, 2017

guardians day of marvel week

It started last Friday:
Marvel Week at Cinemark!
Sadly, the cinema in Bluffton
was not included
in the special screenings.
What's a girl to do?
Especially when Marvel Week
had set aside its final day
to honor that ragtag
bunch of space heroes
that I so adore:
the Guardians of the Galaxy!
The closest cinema for the films
was Cinemark Tinseltown & XD,
down in Jacksonville

There, the two movies chronicling
the exploits of the team
would be shown back to back,
in the proper sequence, too.
"Guardians of the Galaxy"
would be screened at 1 PM,
in all of its 122 minutes -
ah! Supercool!
At 4 PM, the 136-minute-long
"Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2"
would grace the silver screen -
ah! Even more cool!
I really wanted to be there -
oh, boy, did I! -
but how to work the logistics?
Clearly, a road trip
was warranted - but a trip down
and back the same day?
Well, a girl's gotta do
what a girl's gotta do
for her men...

And so I shall!
And it's going to be a pre-Labor Day, fun-packed, trip, I tell you!
Starting with Wednesday night, it is, and going all day on Thursday!
The lab for my Armstrong class is about graphing - mercifully short!
I'll already be that far southside, so that will shorten my driving time - hallelujah!
Dave & Buster's is only ten minutes from the cinema. Plus, as I'm going down on Guardians Day Eve, I can enjoy Half-Price Wednesday games! Such a nice bonus! Maybe they'll even have Agnes' goat unicorn!
The CHOICE hotel I found is just about twenty minutes from the games - sweet! Better yet, I had points on the books, so my night there is totally gratis, as is my breakfast there!
After breakfast on Guardians Day, I can spend a little more time driving race cars and killing zombies before my first movie begins. What a nice way to start the special day!
And when those two fine movies are done, I can head back towards Savannah...
but I'll stop over in north Jacksonville first.
You see, the Regal Cinemas has another bonus promotion, this time for Lionsgate films. The first film of the foursome, "The Hitman's Bodyguard", won't be shown at my Regal... but it will be at the one north of JAX.
Sure, I saw it last week with the bfe, but I could totally see it again! Hearing Samuel L. Jackson belting out the blues - about highways, no less! - and having such a blast doing so... yeah, I look forward to having a free download of that one in the near future!
i thank You, God, for this magical opportunity!

And you know what else I just may do?
Book another room for that night.
Then, when I drive home on Friday, I can visit the Georgia Sea Turtle Center before this summer ends.
Of course, that will be after I see my galaxy guardians at the Georgia Welcome Center again.
Yeah... I just may do that!
Sounds like a plan, doesn't it?

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