Tuesday, October 23, 2018

sisters brothers

"Okay, which one is it this time?"

Which one of what?

"Well, the title is about the sister's brothers, so I figure you're talking about one of yours, or perhaps all of them?"

Oh, I can see how that might be confusing, as I'm a sister and I have brothers. Not only that, but I'm meeting my middle brother right shortly to take him to the Social Apostolate about an ID card.
But, no, that's not the reason for the title.

"Okay, then! Perhaps you're referring to that ID card..."

No, I already said it was nothing pertaining to Ronnie...

"Yes, but you have two other brothers, so it could most definitely be something that belongs to one of them..."

Oh, I see your point. But surely you notice that the title was not "sister's brother's" for such a case, right?

"Hmmm... Okay, I get that. Well, maybe it's about siblings of a nun?"

Hahahaha hahhaha! No, my dear, that is not it, but I love that tangent! Again, I would have needed to have a little apostrophe in there to make that work.

"So, the title is not about your brothers, either together or singly, nor to any of their stuff. And we can forget about the Vicar's little helpmate, Alice, too. Well, is it maybe the first half of a string of related terms, like "mothers fathers"?"

Nope! You're definitely getting colder!

"Ain't that the truth! It was so very cold on Sunday night! I am absolutely not ready for winter to be here..."

You and me both, sister! :-)

"Oh, ha ha ha. You think you're so - Ah ha! You're talking about that new movie with Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly!"

Well, look at you trying so hard! At least you're on the right trail at last! But it isn't Will Ferrell, it's Joaquin Phoenix in this one. The Reilly movie with Ferrell is called "Holmes & Watson" and isn't due until Christmas.

"You're off on a "Tina Tuesday" venture again, aren't you?"

Why, yes, I am. Again. For the third time this month.

"How very nice for you!"

And for him, too, dearie, for him, too. Don't forget that I am quite charming! :-)

"For sure you are, especially for an Auntie."

You know, I really like that term, "Auntie". I especially like it in the Indian movies I've been seeing of late. You know, that may have been for three weeks in a row, too! But that's usually on Monday nights, with Barbara and Carolyn, over in Pooler. The Royal has treated us to such fun movies! "Sui Dhaaga" about the tailor and his wife, "Helicopter Eela" as an overprotective mom of a son in college, and last night was the hilarious family affair, "Badhaai Ho"! Reminded me of the crazy lady next door's situation! What a hoot!

"Those were fun, especially that last one! And I like the younger people's use of "Aunty" and "Uncle" as signs of respect to those older than them. Very nice and certainly warmer than the "ma'am" and "sir" we grew up using."

Oh, my - look at the time!
I must be going soon!

"Is that what you're wearing tonight?"

Yes, yes, it is. I may add a pair of socks...

"Yes, dear."

What is that supposed to mean?

"No, you're absolutely right. It's just those pants are so casual and sloppy..."

That's just fine. I'm just an "Aunty" meeting her "nephew" for dinner and a movie...

"... for the third time this month..."

Yeah, well, I'm going to enjoy time with Kevin while I can. It's been fORevER since we did this! He has his big race coming up soon, then he'll no doubt go fishing and trying out new lines...

"I didn't think about that. Since he's no longer taking the biochem class, he'll have more free evenings after the marathon is done. Well, in that case, you be sure to have a good time tonight!"

You got that right! Later!



1 comment:

faustina said...

What a fiasco.
Kevin said he may be done with movies in public for a while. We went to the Carmike, which had only two tellers, making for long, slow lines.
That meant we missed "The Sisters Brothers".
Instead, we were in plenty of time for "Halloween (2018)", as were a lot of others.
Right beside us, two loud-mouthed young black women sat. I mean, LOUD. He lost his patience, spoke very loudly to them, which just escalated from there.
He fetched a manager, which really did help, but the movie had lost its charm for him.
If he had not eaten at El Potro for lunch, we would have eaten dinner there (instead of at Sakura Buffet). That would have placed us at the Regal for the movie and all would have been well.
Still, it was good to see "Laurie" kill the creep, even though she had to burn down her house to do it.