Tuesday, January 11, 2022

life is good: psych!

Well, would ya look at what I got goin' on here!

It's a big ol' bowl of my homemade creamy tomato soup and an open-faced grilled cheese sandwich, Mexican style - yum, yum!

And ain't that clear speaker somethin' else?

You may recollect that I won that thing fair and square the last time I was gamin' down in Jacksonville.

It sounds even more purty than it looks!

It's been just perfect for listenin' to the antics of those two "Psych" boys as they do their thing.

This time, they've got Shawn's dad in a nursing home that's been havin' a bit of a problem keepin' its elderly in workin' order.

It's been a real hoot!

Now, I gotta let ya go, ya hear?

Don't want my soup gettin' cold.

This latest verse of the Weather Song has had an awful lot of chilly days, with downright cold nights.

Perfect for keepin' my silly self home, I tell ya!

Okay, back to my show, for real.

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