Monday, April 17, 2017

i have a waist!

For the first time in probably three decades, I can wear my belt.
I've kept it these many years because I couldn't part with the buckle.
I cannot recall where I bought either the buckle or the belt, but I do know I've had them for most of my life.
Every once in a while, I'd take them out of the drawer and look at them, trying to decide whether I should give them away or try to sell them...but I always kept them instead.
About two months ago, I was washing clothes and kept having to hitch up my pants.
After all, I've lost forty pounds since September and my clothes are definitely fitting a bit looser these days.
My first niece had given me her old pants, the ones her mom was not able to alter. Most of the pants were jeans, something I haven't had for a while, either.
Well, as you know, denim tends to stretch out the more you wear it. The pants I was wearing at the laundrette were on their third time and kept trying to slide down my backside.
Nami had given me two long, thin straps to use as belts to tie the pants on.
That worked, but looked definitely makeshift.
So, when I returned home, I dug my belt out of the back of the fourth drawer in my bureau.
Could I wear it?
Would it fit?
It did!
Well, somewhat.
I can only use the first and second holes right now.
That leaves just a little tail of belt emerging from the buckle...
but I can wear it!
And so I have, off and on, several times in the past two months.
Today, I noticed that I truly look like I have a waist again.
Imagine that!
And now I have a photograph to remind me that I'm getting closer to the 18-year-old in my mind every day.

Off to school now to show my students!

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