Sunday, April 2, 2017

the song in my head keeps me marching on

Dear Tony,
I blame the oak trees.
They have been blooming like there's no tomorrow and I can feel the yellow caking up in my sinuses. Ugh. Absolutely saps me of any strength.
That's not particularly good at this time of year.
The Savannah Music Festival has begun, as of March 23rd, and I had already scheduled myself for several of the shows. That first week, I was fine. Fresh off of spring break, I had loads of energy! The dancing usher? That's me!
Then, ever since Christina stayed with me on Wednesday night, when I ran the fan all night, I have felt like I'm breathing mud. And I had shows to dance to - I mean, usher at - for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and today!
Although I did enjoy sampling all the different music - old-style country, groovy jazz, rock ballads, and folk songs - I must admit to being glad to ONLY have school for these next three days. Then, I'll be back into the music scene for its final four days. Whew!
After I finish touching base with you, I'll write the test I'm giving my Armstrong class.
That test is scheduled for tomorrow.
Then, I'll need to write the test that I'm giving my Tech class on Tuesday.
Double yikes!
I've really cut it close this time!
At least I was able to get a lot of grading done during the four hours while I was minding the Green Room at Johnny Mercer for Jason Isbell and his band to have lunch. Hooray!
I was even granted to eat some of those yummy veggies! Squash, Zucchini, and red onions, cooked with what seemed to be orange marmalade. I kid you not!
Okay... time is marching on...
with much love,

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