Thursday, April 20, 2017

last lecture of the semester!!!

Last night, I gave the last lecture of the spring semester at Armstrong!
That lecture covered the beta-oxidation cycle for fatty acids, part of animal metabolism.

Then, I presided over the last lab for my Chem1152 students.
This was -not- one of my favorites, as it was designed to illustrate the ill effects of heat on the potency of Vitamin C in OTC tablets.
The problem is, it never quite works.
Sometimes it's an issue with the starch indicator being too weak to be effective.
This time, we not only had that problem, but also with the choice of beverage to be tested.
Let's just say that Propel lemon-flavor drink should not be used as a source of the citrus-based coenzyme.
Aware of the issues the lab has, I made sure before they left that each lab duo had data that made sense, massaging the numbers into better shape so the trend would be correct.
So glad -THAT- is done!
Those Lab Reports will be so much easier to grade now!

Today, I gave my last lecture of the spring semester at Savannah Tech.
That lecture dealt with energy diagrams, energy of the system, energy of the surroundings, and how the two are related to each other and to work.

Now, to write the tests I'm giving next week and prepare mentally for the onslaught of Lab Final Exams for my Chem1151L and Chem1152L classes.
Then, to grade the last lab reports for both Chem1151L and Chem1211L.
For the last few years, I have been saying I need to automate these Lab Reports so a machine can grade them instead of me.
Why haven't I done so?
Well, setting up that automation process is going to require a serious investment of my time.
It'll eventually pay off... so maybe this summer I can make that happen.
But not right now - tests to prepare!
Lab reports to grade by hand, reading every word, checking every calculation...
but no more lessons to plan until the fall!
School is -almost- out!

1 comment:

faustina said...


As of last week, I am down to only THREE of the school-related Post-Its! That would be the 1st purple one (for Monday's 1152) and the second set of yellow ones (for Thursday's 1211 and 1211L).

After the Final Exams this week, THOSE will all be recycled, too.
i thank You, God!