Friday, April 21, 2017

morgan's universe

When I was cleaning out closets, I also threw out some items that were rather decrepit.
A nightgown so faded and worn that its initial color could no longer be determined.
A shirt that had been stained so many times that it looked to have a mottled pattern on the front.
Both items had small holes in the front; the lace around the armholes and collar of the nightgown was barely hanging on.
I wanted to keep them anyway...
but I know how to deal with that lunacy.
I knew if the items were torn up, I would part with them...
so I ripped those holes until they ran across the entire front of the clothing.
They're out of my life now.

But these shoes?
These shoes with the holes
at the little toes
and the holes in their soles?
My intention was to toss them into the trash can...
truly, it was.
However, this thought
stayed my hand:
my BFF's darling,
dancing daughter
had painted these shoes.
They are unique...
and I have so enjoyed
having this gift from her.
So, they stay.
Instead, I tossed the pair of tan sandals that have the holes worn into the heel pads from me not wearing the strap.
Would you believe I had to cut them up so I would throw them out?
True story.
I even broke the scissors when I did so.
True story.

Now, for real, I am out to do the back yard, wearing Morgan's universe.

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