Monday, August 21, 2017

love and the solar eclipse

from my littlest brother, yesterday, 4:42 PM :

Hi Tina,
I am pretty excited about the solar eclipse tomorrow. Where I work there's a lot of welding done. So, as a result, there's some replacement glass squares for welding helmets available. I already put one aside on Friday for me to use.
As for these other guys their ability to watch it will probably be very limited. i would imagine that close to all of them will be indoors. But it's for sure that the prison has definitely opened up way more now than at any time since the 2012 lock down. So maybe they will have a chance to watch!
That's it for now. love ya lots, God bless

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Dear Tony,
Hope your eyes are okay!
I watched the solar eclipse at the cemetery - wide open skies, no street lights!

I could tell that Mama and Frank were right there with me! After all was done at 4 PM, I was taking a few photos and what did I see?
A message from Mama!

God is so wonderful!
I've attached that photo for you. (Shown above.)
The skies were clouded over for much of the eclipse and we even had some light rain, but at least I was able to see some of it!

I was using my pinhole viewer made from a cereal box - pretty cool! I was also seeing the image reflected on my car - VERY cool!

I even ate my lunch out there during the solar eclipse - leftover pan-grilled mahi in ginger sauce, quite yummy! And I wore the "galaxy" tennis shoes that Morgan painted so long ago! I changed into them after class at Savannah Tech. I thought those shoes were more appropriate than my sandals!

It's been a long day, so I'm going to try for an early night.
Tomorrow, I want to go give blood. I try to go every three or four months and I know it's been that long. The last time I gave was two weeks before my birthday, on May 17. Definitely time to go to the Red Cross!
with much love,


tina said...

tina said...

from Beatrice, Nebraska

tina said...

most amazing one, from Salt Lake, Utah: