Monday, September 10, 2018


This Panhandle Slim painting has greeted me on Waters Avenue for quite some time.
In fact, I've seen it every time I went to fetch Mister Willie for the ball games, as well as on every return trip afterward.
Attributed to Frida Kahlo, its advice to the downtrodden in the area is this:
"You deserve a lover who takes away the lies and brings you hope, coffee and poetry."

I ask: Don't we all?
Yes, we, do.
In the wee small hours this morning, I was still pouring through videos of Steam Powered Giraffe on youTube. It's as if Jim Steinman wrote songs for Queen - how addictive for me!
I found myself especially captivated by this performance, which I watched three times.

This morning, I awoke to the revelation: I'm waiting for my android lover.
The one spoken of by Tanith Lee in 1981's "The Silver Metal Lover", one of those seen in "Star Wars" four years before that, one modeled after Isaac Asimov's Three Rules of Robotics almost three decades before either of those blipped onto my radar...
one that would be mine, all mine, and mine alone...
one devoted to me and not subject to being lured away...
impossible things...

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