Tuesday, September 25, 2018

revisiting favorites

Last night found me at the Lucas Theatre, but not as an usher.
The 37th Annual Savannah Jazz Festival is back in full swing, with yesterday being Day Two of Seven.
(Yes, that pun was intended!)
Claire Frazier regaled us with "Satin Doll" and "Midnight Sun", as well as a few others.
Then came the event: the world premiere of 2009's Clint Eastwood presents "Johnny Mercer: The Dream's On Me"!
The made-for-tv movie had never been released on the silver screen.
How wonderful that this venue - which had shown so many musicals that the Savannah songsmith had soundtracked - would be the chosen site!
Then again, I think that Mr. Eastwood may have a soft spot in his heart for this beautiful city - and this theatre - ever since he filmed "Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil" twenty years ago.
I so enjoyed hearing Ms. Frazier sing again! It's been better than three years since I last did. That was at one of the Coastal Jazz Associations' monthly concerts, free to members... which I was at the time. My membership has lapsed, again, mostly because the new venue is across the bridge.
What a silly reason to end such a good thing, n'est-ce pas?
Well, I shall remedy that tonight. The SJF has another event at the Lucas this evening, a concert by the Ben Tucker Alumni Band. Composed of musicians who were graced with playing alongside him, the music will include pieces composed by the man... perhaps even some of the math numbers from "Schoolhouse Rock"!
(Yes, that pun was intended, too!)
Amazing the things one learns from a documentary! I first saw the film, "In Tune: The Ben Tucker Story", at last year's Savannah Film Festival. Interested? Watch it here.
Why so much interest in the Savannah Jazz Festival this year?
Honestly, I think it's about timing.
I have found myself, of late, at quite a few events that were once prevalent in my past.
It was at the 2008 SJF that I had 'discovered' a favorite, Elliott & The Untouchables. The first concert I drove to was in Charleston, at its jazz festival. Later in 2009, I followed them to their concerts in Columbia, SC, at several venues, dancing to the old-time jazz sound of this group with its diverse ages!
Many of their shows are private, but they do have a few public ones still to come.
I think I need to go. After all, I had so much fun dancing in Las Vegas!
And who knows? Perhaps this year's SVJ will find me with a new band that stirs up some of that "Old Black Magic" and sets me to dancing?
It's all about timing.
I had thought it may have begun with Christa's party a few weeks ago. That felt like one of the NK! events! But that social group has been defunct since January 2015... or has it? The six people present at the party were the majority of those who attended the scheduled events. So, that worked out rather well for us!
i thank You, God.
Yvonne and Louis may not have been part of NK!, but I did meet them through Christa. I've really enjoyed getting to know them better, too, as part of "Born In The 50's and 60's", and look forward to that friendship continuing (though not through that group, as I have left meetup, after many issues this past year). Honestly, they are such good people! Last night, they were already at the Lucas, and seated, when they saw me come in and sit. They left their chairs and came to sit with me. I have never had anyone do that.
i thank You, God.
Last Thursday found me at Chatham Post 36 of the American Legion. I had received a phone call on the Wednesday evening, reminding me of the impending meeting. Really? A personal phone call? So, I went. That was beneficial, as I found out I was not the only sailor there. Martin of Statesboro had asked that we all introduce ourselves, and so we did. There were about 15 members there, including Doris (the one who called) and her husband, Nate, both fairly young. The oldest member there was 90! I already knew Jimmy Ray, the post commander when I had joined years ago. This time around, I met Michelle Flores, out current PCO. I didn't stay for the meal after, but next time I will.
I once very much enjoyed performing karaoke here with Brian Russell - I was his "rock star", as I was the only one not singing country songs. I loved that! I also enjoyed dancing there, especially on the dance floor that I helped install with some of Mama's money, after Frank died. I noticed that floor finally wore out and has been replaced with a much larger one. I'll be watching out for dance parties here in the future.
After all, this chapter will be 100 years old next year. According to Doris, she had called eighty members to rally 'round and help plan events to celebrate that century mark.
I'm glad she did.
i thank You, God.
I've been thinking about Drinking Liberally, too. They also meet on Thursdays and I had planned to go see the Mattingly couple again last week... but then Doris had called. I will put extra effort into going to Tondees to join them this first Thursday of October. Maybe Bonnie and Don will be there, too!
If not, perhaps I will catch them one Monday night at Philo Cafe. That was another group I had so enjoyed! After all, having debates - not arguments - about hot topics or old philosophical questions is always mind-expanding. That's beneficial and social.
I know that I have been blessed with extra free time. I am choosing to use it to renew old friendships and to nurture new ones. I am choosing to make better use of all the free culture and free social groups available in this fine seaport.
Life is short.
To borrow John Mellencamp's words again:
"I only have so many summers left and I intend not to waste them being old."
I have every intention of dancing at tonight's free concert at the Lucas!
i thank You, God!

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