Thursday, September 13, 2018

one person's junk is another's treasure

I think the recent changes began for me on Wednesday, September 5th.
At the noon15 meeting, someone mentioned that the Rite-Aid stores were closing.
Apparently, they have all been purchased by Walgreens.
Usually, by the time I hear this kind of news, the stores are depleted.
This time was no exception... but they still had plenty of things for me.
Everything in the store was 70% off, too.
Lactaid pills, scrunchies for my hair, underwear for my brother Ronnie...
birthday cards and superhero stickers and party invitations...
and orange foam shelf liner, for just thirty cents per roll.
I bought all five rolls, to use in my kitchen cabinets.
I installed it in the china cabinet, that one on the left, on Friday morning.
That was quite a task! Those three shelves have an irregular shape...
but once I'd done the first shelf, I had a pattern for the rest.
The other cabinets already had lined shelves, but they may be next!

Last Tuesday, on my way to visit Bev, I noticed a Rite-Aid store.
On my way back home, I stopped in to see what they might have.
Most of the store had already been converted to a Walgreens...
but the summer goods and some others were marked 75%.
I bought a new laundry basket (with a shoulder strap!)...
four nonskid mats for the kitchen and bathroom...
and lots of indoor soft toys for the greatnieces and greatnephews.
My floors are definitely looking better!

That, in turn, inspired me to redecorate my kitchen cabinets.
The exterior has been festooned with post-its and scraps of paper
and clippings from newspapers for years.
I had posted the three photos of my trip to Marineland last summer,
though not on the cabinet shown.
No, it was one cabinet to the right.
And, as much as I loved having the photos greet me every morning,
I was still allowing other bits to infringe on that space.
What to do?
Well, here's what I did.
The evidence is shown in the photograph.
My encounter with the dolphin, Hemingway, on the left...
a shell-bedecked kitchen towel from Publishers Clearing House...
then my close encounter this year with Brian Duffy, astronaut!
The fourth cabinet, not shown, still serves as my secretary, for now.
Change is in the wind... and I'm not talking about Hurricane Florence.
Time to go do laundry and talk to Nami!

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