Sunday, October 27, 2019

byop, chem-nerd style, take 1

Bwah ha ha, y'all!
The day had finally arrived for this mega-big party of the year out in north Jacksonville -
I mean Georgetown, of course!!
It just feels like heading off to Florida for a vacation, which is always a good thing!
And here are the host and hostess of the event!
Chris the Koz has truly outdone himself this year, with a new family of creepy clowns on the lawn and other new sights all around.
Nope, the rain didn't stop him at all, either!

He had been setting up here while I was doing so for the NCW event at SERMACS.
Dawn has always said to just bring myself, but I know their party as a huge kid magnet.
I knew those thirty uv-changing bracelets, as shown in the bowl, would be a hit!
I hoped the 30 "Hooray for Chemistry" bags, each with two science books, would also tempt curious minds.
I would have brought the self-inflating balloons, too, but I was double-booked and had to fly off for a while.
The wedding shower for the bfe and The 'Cole was being held at Suzy Carpenter's house at the same time as this annual pumpkin-carving blast... yikes!
So, as it was for the physicist most dear, I had to appear.
I'm so glad Yvonne was there, too, to welcome me!
Almost three hours after my departure, I was back at the BYOP and the party had moved from the house to the back yard.
Yeah, that sounds like a long time to be gone, but between drive time and an hour or so at the shower, I did good at hustling back here so quickly.
Plus, I knew from years of experience that this party would be going until the wee hours!
I even caught Bunny and Steve still there!
My former sister-in-law had actually been looking for me so she could tell my 'bye -
they were leaving by the time of my return.
Good thing I'd put some hustle on it!

As I said, I had known there would be plenty of partying still to come.
There was pool-playing on the rain-soaked table -
and 100 little Krystal burgers to be eaten by all -
and the shooting of a potato-launcher -
and a crazy tricycle race in the driveway, with the loser shucking clothes for a chilly dip in the pond!
As for the bags of goodies I'd left, all were gone.
Every last one of them!
Thirty minds enriched with knowledge!
Not that the bags held only books, as Dawn's dining room table full of goodies to take home was completely wiped out, for the first time ever.
I guess if you give a kid a bag, they'll fill it up!
A guess that's some kind of lesson for next year's event, right?
But here's the highlight for me!
See this child, posing in her costume?
Well, my thanks to whoever took the photo, because what's that on her right arm?
One of the bracelets I'd loving made!
Woot woot!
Nor was she the only one!
Here's a little boy, posing by the 'menu' of horrible treats (none of which were available - lol!).
And what's that on his right arm?
Could it be...?
Yes, yes, it could be, and is, one of the thirty uv-bead bracelets I'd added to the party!
Which reminds me: I have to stop calling them bracelets, as that is out of vogue.
Very well, then!
Arm bands they are!!!
And everyone loves them!
So... hooray for chemistry!
Hooray for Chris and Dawn, too, not only for another awesome party but for letting me drop a little science!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

31 Oct 2019

Thanks for all your chemistry fun with the BYOP kid guests!
They loved it!

Chris, Dawn, & Delilah