Wednesday, October 30, 2019

wns, chem-nerd style

A week after the National Chemistry Week event I'd organized, I still had so much science to share!
Sherry Moore told me her students at Southwest Middle School would love to have some of the materials for their class, too -
so, tonight, I met up with her, to pass along three tote bags full of knowledge!
One bag held two hundred of the self-inflating balloons, as well as my instructions about the chemistry of that neat trick.
Still another held two hundred of the "Marvelous Metals" books from the current edition of "Celebrating Chemistry" from ACS, outlining several lab exercises that were perfect for middle-school class rooms.
The third tote held two hundred of the "Saving Savannah's Water" activity books, courtesy of Laura Walker and her office with the city.
And, topping off those three bags, the materials to construct two hundred uv-detecting armbands, carefully organized and with explicit instructions written by me.
Sherry was thrilled to have all of that for her students!
I should note that I also gave mi amiga Barbara thirty sets of all of these items for the science teacher at Rambam.
She's a math instructor there, but she knows the value of sharing science with youths!
So does Ruthie Deffley, at my church, who has asked that I reserve some of the kits and books for sharing with the middle-school aged children at Asbury Memorial.
(That will probably not be on her schedule until the spring, though, so I'll have that bag of goodies in my living room closet - aka "the gift closet" until then.
Oh, which reminds me that I'll be dropping science in outgoing Christmas packages destined for Alabama and Louisville this year.)
Plus, I'd made special gift bags for the children of those at the Office of Special Events, Film, and Tourism, as treats - for their minds! - for this Halloween!
Everyone at that office had been so helpful with the NCW event.

Now, what about that WNS?
Well, I have been taking full advantage of having someone else cooking for me once a week!
These Wednesday Night Suppers not only give me a good variation of foods, but also plenty of company, too.
I had thought Sherry and I would get a chance to talk, but she didn't stay for the meal.
More roast beast - I mean, roast beef, lol - for me!

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