Monday, October 14, 2019

dr acula

I'm so glad I threw myself out of the house tonight!
I truly do adore the Monday Madness shows and this one was extra special: there were kids!
Right in the very front row with me!
One of them was even celebrating their birthday!!!
The Odd Lot ensemble tonight consisted of Darren, Chris, Elliot (new guy), Hannah, and Megan, with Eric as emcee again.
Plus, Jason was in the audience and Skyler had the box office!

The night started with World's Worst, of course, to get everyone's motor up to racing speed - VVVRRRROOOOOOMMM!
Bad baristas, worse cow tippers, and terrible doctors led the way to laughs and groans!
"Actor's Nightmare" had Elliot's lines (from page 7) repeatedly talking about how blue the sky was on their trip to the Grand Canyon - such a funny coincidence!

Darren was the lucky bachelor, hailing from Hawaii - mahalo!
Hannah wanted sandwiches of any type, Elliot was an eggs-ellent Benedict Arnold, and Justin aged backward at such a rate that it's a wonder he was still able to talk by the third question!
Good game, y'all!
But now I'm hungry for some hollandaise sauce!
Hahahaha hahaha!

A couple of skits later had the Soucyman as a redneck who had invented a portal to deposit folks right at Disney World.
What a boon that would be! That Orlando traffic is the pits!
And what have we here?
Why, it's a game of "Good, bad, and Ugly", with the trio giving advice to Jason about being romantic -
aw, how sweet!

This rendition of "Half Life" kept me thinking about the movie "Miss Congeniality"!
The skit between Hannah and Megan could well be subtitled "There's a Bomb In Your Catwalk Dress!"
Hahahaha! That was especially funny because, in real life, Megan owns a "make me glamorous" studio with all manner of fancy dresses!
Just priceless to have art imitate life for the second time on this Monday Madness stage!

Oh! I very much liked this game of "Genres"... and not just because they were "making coffee", the ordinary task that was my suggestion.
Though I certainly did like that!
But look at the wall behind them.
I enjoyed the shadow play, too!
Plus, for the final genre, which was "art haus", Darren and Justin just worked it out so perfectly - and I loved the twirl at the end!

This "info-mercial" was definitely a fan favorite!
Not only did it have the audience repeatedly getting cued to shout "Sleep no more!" -
which was certainly fun!
Not only did it have gadgets galore gathered from the audience -
including an epee!!!
But it had those two fellows who started Odd Lot so many years ago riffing mightily, and effortlessly, off each other.
I just love watching them in action!

Justin got to be the expert, named, of all things, Dr. Acula - get the joke?
With Halloween around the corner? LOL!
Plus, Chris had this awful Aussie accent for the hawking of these anti-narcolepsy goods - again, just priceless!
Thanks, everyone, for the laughs and the hugs!
I definitely need to do this more often!

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