Monday, October 14, 2019

lighting a scene that's faded to black

Okay, I can't stay long, as there's laundry to do, among other things.
Still, I need to be here on this ever-shifting shore, if only for a little while!
What has brought me here?
A Sunday crossword puzzle from Gary Larson, featuring... movies!

"Pretentious chatter about a 1960 Hitchcock thriller" could only mean one thing: "Psycho" babble.
That brought the Alan Parson Project song straight to mind!
Go ahead and have a listen, it's related to this post title.

Meanwhile, back on the ranch... id est, back to my shore.
This next clue was a bit more recent.
"TV commercial for a 1983 Chevy Chase comedy" had me thinking about "Fletch", but that was a bit later.
Plus, there was no double entendre experience to be gained from that title, right?
Then, I had it!
"Vacation" spot!
Sure, the actual film title had been truncated, but that was okay.
This one reminded me that I need to "wake up somewhere else" soon.
I am long overdue for a holiday.

Carrying on in order of chronological movie release date brings me to this next one.
"Box-office receipts for a 1988 Tom Hanks comedy" was easy -
"Big" business was the only possibility!
This reminder to cherish the child-like sense of wonder is a long-time favorite.
I especially like the absolutely joyful scene in the toy store!

"Author of a 1990 Swayze/Moore fantasy romance" was "Ghost" writer, naturally.
Like the first movie in this post, this one is not one I've seen often.
When I want a Whoopi Goldberg fix, I look to "Jumpin' Jack Flash".
Not only does it have a great song at its core, but there's also a mystery to unravel!
Very nice!

"First draft of a 1995 De Niro/Pacino thriller" led to an answer that felt off.
"Heat" treatment sounds more like something a masseuse would do, n'est-ce pas?
However, according to the dictionary, in the world of cinema, treatment refers to the present-tense summary of a film in the works.
Always good to learn something new!

This next one makes me think of the children in my life.
"Review of a 2013 Disney musical" is most certainly a "Frozen" account.
Why no exclamation mark?
Aren't musicals - especially animated ones - completely and totally my jam?
Yes, yes, they are!
But this one simply did not get my motor running, as Steppenwolf would say.

That brings me to the last entry, another movie only seen once by me.
"1:58 for the duration of a 2016 Amy Adams sci-fi flick" gives an "Arrival" time.
The flick was good, but it didn't quite flip my trigger or float my boat.
I much prefer her as a lost "Enchanted" princess!
If only I could have her housework magic!
Speaking of such things, they are calling, quite loudly.
Thanks for the diversion, y'all!

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