Sunday, March 4, 2018

Carolyn, Oscar, and Guillermo del Toro

Last week, I watched the 17th Annual Movies For GrownUps Awards, presented by AARP. (I'm fairly certain that was my first time ever doing so.)
First, let me say that Doug Jones is an actor I've been following for years. Don't recognize him? He's the man who brings empathy to monsters and he was the man inside the creature for "The Shape Of Water". Usually, his voice is unheard.
To my joy, he was the one who introduced the winning director, Guillermo del Toro.
Guillermo's acceptance speech was phenomenal.
(As I have not been successful in finding it online, I'll paraphrase.)
He spoke of the importance of acceptance, the importance of empathy and understanding. Too often, lines in the sand are drawn, setting up "or else" situations, prompting acrimony and bitterness for all parties. "Or else" is not a phrase which has ever led to acceptance and empathy, "or else" are words used to bully the other into submission.
My response to his words was "Wow."
I could not agree more.

Tonight, I watched the 90th Academy Awards.
Was I at an Oscar-watching party at Dawn's?
Was I having a texting-while-watching-alone party?
No to that as well.
Was I having an alone-with-my-computer viewing party?
Surprisingly, no, I was not.
Carolyn came over to watch on my tiny tv with me!
Trust me, my screen is HUGE compared to the one on her phone.
No Junior Mints for her, thanks, but we shared the movie popcorn from Carmike...
and she shared it with the floor and the couch and her cleavage...
so I'll have to tease her about that for awhile.
We both saw the majority of the films nominated - and all of those which came to this fair seaport - so that made it much more fun. It made for some lively discussion, too, about why this one should get Best Cinematography ("Blade Runner 2047" over "Dunkirk") or why that one should get Best Animated ("Coco" over "Loving Vincent"). The Best Actor? The Best Actress? All those other awards?
Those were some tough calls... but we were tuned in for the big winner categories...
and Guillermo del Toro won for Best Director!!!!
And "The Shape Of Water" won for Best Picture!!!!!
i thank You, God!
There have been plenty of years when I greatly disagreed, but it was very important to me that this movie be the Best Picture...
and it was good to know that others agreed...
including Carolyn.
I'm so glad you was able to join me tonight!
Now, to fetch a broom and get that popcorn swept up...
hahaha haha!

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