Thursday, March 29, 2018

Tony, Tony, Tony!

Thank you, Tony Clarke!
Your hug this morning really made me smile... and the "let's give them something to talk about" mutterings in my ear were funny!
Every time I see you, I flash back in time to that night at Jazz'd. Do you even recall that evening? Eat Mo' Music was performing their jazz-infused music and you were behind the drums. I was up there dancing, as I do, then you went into a drum solo... and I stayed right there, keeping up with every beat! What a rush!!!
That may have been one of the first times that I had people come up to me and congratulate me on my dance moves.
What a rush that was, too!

On this first day -
and first concert -
of the 29th Annual Savannah
Music Festival, what a joy it was to see your smiling face!
When you looked toward me, I thought you might even have come over just to see me.
Honestly, I do think that two-minute hug truly did give them something to talk about!
That hug - and your flirting -
certainly made me feel more like a woman than I have of late.
That put a good deal of pep in my step and sway in my hips -
thank you for that!
As for this concert, I still managed to dance a bit to it, though a bit subdued.
After all, I was working the event!
I'm one of the ones who made sure the programs were on the seats and the candles were lit on the tables.
This time, I was ushering at the bathroom door, with Beatriz.
Ann Meyer was working the stage door, with its new curtain.
I almost asked her to switch me so I could be closer to you...
but that might have gotten both of us in trouble!
Folks were there for Pat Martino and his jazz guitar -
and that was really good, too!
I very much enjoyed his near-solo of Duke Ellington's "Sound of Love", sweet and sad as it was.
"Inside Out", though, was much more fun for dancing!

I did so enjoy your brief company today, and talk of frosted flakes at your mom's house...
such fun!
Hope to see you at the Morris Center tomorrow!

i thank You, God, for this glorious day!

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