Friday, November 2, 2018

more inclusive diversity, please

This was Diversity Day at SERMACS and I made sure to attend the three different sessions in Lamar C at the Conference Center.
The one thing I noticed was the lack of diversity.
All three "Diversity in the Chemical Enterprise" groups of talks would have been better served if they had been more inclusive. Preaching to the choir is not going to accomplish change.
Curious about what I mean?
The first session was subtitled "National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers" and had an audience that reflected that very limited demographic.
The second session was subtitled "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer" and those listening were of that very limited demographic.
The third session was subtitled "Hispanic Perspective" and, as found in the other sets of talks, was attended by those representing that very limited demographic.
How do I know?
Like I said, I'm part of the choir, even though I do not fit any of those demographics.
I am a white, non-Hispanic, female who is "strictly dickly".
I am also a woman who was in the Navy working a traditionally male job.
I am also a woman who was very interested in science, especially chemistry and biology, when in high school in the mid-1970's.
I am also a woman who was involved in the fight to get equal pay for equal work back in that time period. (Being part of the US military allowed me to bypass that pay inequality, as pay rate there was, and still is, based on rank for all.)
In other words, I know the battleground... and I recognize the changes in that landscape.
Forty years - that's two generations - of the "Me" generation has left the majority of the American people battle-fatigued and feeling deprived.
Forty years - that's two generations - of changes created by law to benefit different small segments of the population have left the majority of the American people feeling deprived and shoved aside.
Forty years - that's two generations - of so much change for very small demographics has left the majority of the American people fighting back and taking a stand to be included back into consideration.
That is why we now have the blond man in the White House.
That is why all diverse segments need to act together, to have a united front...
and to include everyone in that action.
Even the heterosexual, white, non-Hispanic, males and females.
That is the only way to cause true change.
I know that the visionary Stan Lee would fully agree with me.

Now, I'm off to spend time with my cousin and her wife.
Here's hoping for true change in my lifetime...
and to the blond man in the White House having just this one term.

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