Friday, November 30, 2018

punning on a friday afternoon

Yes, that is in reference to a Queen song, one of my absolute favorites!
Did you guess "Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon"?
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Folks, we have ourselves a winner!

Okay, so what's up with me now?
Well, I had grown weary of doing stuff around the house, so I bounced over to fb -
you know, just to check in for a few minutes -
and ended up spending way too much time there... almost.
Yes, I said "almost".
If I hadn't tarried a moment longer, I would have missed out on Lynita's latest little game.
I would have... but I did not.

She had posted the following, which others were to complete. There were some real doozies!

***** ***** *****
187 coffee beans walk into a bar.
The bartender says we don't serve your kind here.

The coffee beans say, "We have grounds for a lawsuit!" (Lynita S)

"Man, we just wanted a break from the daily grind." (Jason A)

The coffee beans say, "Man, we just keep getting poured on today." (Darwin H)

"Man, you didn't have to expresso yourself so rudely." (Madeline O)
"Man, why so bitter?" (Jason A)

"Give me some sugar, bartender." (Madeline O)

"Why cause such a stir?" (Jason A)

"But we like this place a latte!" (Madeline O)

"What a drip! Wait 'til this filters down to the French press!" (Lynita S)

The beans say nothing, they just sit and brewed about it. (Justin K)

"Hey, lady, no need to roast us." (me!)
(note: not all bartenders are male)

***** ***** *****

Hey, just doing what I can to broaden folks' perspectives...
and bring a smile while doing so.
You know... that whole spoonful of sugar thing!
Now, off to do laundry I go!
Tonight, I'll be having "A Midwinter Night's Dream"...
and my black panties are in the hamper!
If I'm meeting Oberon, I must be properly clad...

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