Monday, November 19, 2018

puns and odd times!

My little fish-face got a kick out of being included in
the show tonight!
I told my car that I had written "What does it mean
when the odometer reads '202101'?"
(That's the number upon my return home after the
Post 36 Thanksgiving meeting last Thursday.)
I don't think Bill Cooper or the Soucyman or Dom quite knew what to make of that - and I'm sure they thought
it was a figment of someone's imagination!
I doubt any of them have ever had a car that long!
The game was "Slips" and the scenario had the three
"playing board games" and using mostly the audience-
supplied written suggestions.
Dom used another of mine -
"Mas tacos, por favor!" -
while pretending to throw a pair of dice.
Loved his enthusiastic delivery of the line!
Those were the only two of my nine suggestions that were used tonight.
"I can usually only do three before I'm tapped out." was overheard from a fellow behind me when he saw my growing stack.
"If three is a crowd, what is 4?" didn't make it.
Nor did "It sure sounded like a good idea to add butter."
Hey, I was just happy to have two drawn, honestly.
There were probably fifty people there tonight!

A good part of that crowd belonged to the 'birthday boy (man!) sitting beside me.
Jason was the emcee for the proceedings and he started everyone off with a game of "World's Worst".
Here, he was gathering types of jobs from the us.
The other three players were Justin, Thomas, and new girl Shawna, who may hereafter be known as "Bubbles",
the lass who went to the moon instead of to the Moonbounce - Hahahaha hahaha!

This game of "Click!" was new to me!
Chris was "showing slides from a vacation trip to
Alaska" while the others froze (get it? a little
inside joke from me to you!) into a tableau depicting
the activity he was describing.
Hilarious! Especially when they were 'feeding the bear'
and then 'fleeing the bear'!

But the highlight of the evening for me had to be the onslaught of puns during a rousing final game of "Objection!"
The word to be debated - a word from the audience, mind - was "chivalry".
Now, consider each of the players having misheard that gentlemanly word, of their own volition, and how that misunderstanding could lead to a hearty round of Monday Madness...
and there you have it!
Bill started it off by talking about the "shovelry" of grave diggers...
then Chris objected and jumped in with "shiverly", no doubt inspired by his recent sojourn to the northernmost state...
and here's Thomas, after objecting, to pontificate about the fine art of "shivery" prevalent in prisons...
to which Dom objected, preferring the term 'shank' and speaking of "shankery"...
causing Justin's white-man angst objecting to the use of 'shank' and waxing on about "chive-ery" in French cooking...
and so on!
What a blast!
I am so glad I was there...
and so is my car!

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