Saturday, November 3, 2018

from cousins to Elvis!

What a lovely way to end my Augusta 'vacation60': a visit with Sharon and Susan!
That's my maternal cousin Sharon - the one who resembles me - on the left.
Last night, I knew I was in the right place, right time as soon as I had pulled up and parked in their driveway.
How so?
My odometer read 201650, a nice round number that had Mama's touch to it.
We dined at Beamie's for dinner last night, after a driving tour that included a trip past the new stadium for the Augusta Greenjackets. I guess that was my cue to return in the summer for some baseball!
We'd also played a game together - want to guess which one?
Yep, it was Yahtzee! Not quite as I'd played it in Glennville, though.
Nope! We did all three games simultaneously! Woohoo!
Good thing that Sharon was 'helping' me along, spotting hands for me.
Sadly, I lost all three games anyway, so I'll have to opt for a rematch... this summer.

This morning, when they asked what I wanted to do, I surprised them I know.
I asked to see my cousin Valerie's grave.
Sharon's older sister had died in 2004 from a drug interaction. She'd been ill and had gone to a new doctor, one that was unfamiliar with her usual medications. The drug prescribed had clashed with one in her regular regimen, causing her to pass away in her sleep, about this time of year.
It isn't as if I had planned on making my odd request to visit her grave.
The thought had simply presented itself in my mind...
i thank You, God.
And so we had gone to Westover Memorial Park, a cemetery almost devoid of any road signage. The rare exceptions are "funeral route" arrows.
That lack of road signage led to some hilarity along the way! Sharon usually drove, but she was in the back seat and couldn't recognize which pine tree marked the site. Susan was driving and was as lost as I would have been. Yes, they're definitely kin to me!
At last, though, we found the Dubose family plot.
That's Sharon's maternal grandparents, with her grandfather having the flag and her grandmother in the center. Sharon's mom, my Aunt Janet, is the next stone.
Valerie's ashes are buried in the same plot as Aunt Janet.
It was good to see where she is now.
Afterward, we went to the First Saturday open market on Riverwalk. I bought some lovely crookneck squash, while they bought apples and bell peppers.
Then I hit the road for home!

The running bear - aka Kevin - had texted me last night.
"Savannah Striders was meeting up after the race. Was I interested in attending the celebration with him, as I had two years ago?"
His treat, he'd added.
Of course I'd replied in the affirmative!
He'll be driving this time, as he still has plenty of energy.
This time, he'd only run the half-marathon, you see.
Like running for 13.1 miles - or 21.1 kilometers - is just a la-di-da day in the park...
not for me, that's for sure!
He sent me this photo of him with one of the Elvis Presley "racers", the one who runs barefoot for the entire marathon.
I doubt the real Elvis ever did any such thing - his mother taught him better.
Now, to take care of some stuff here before the psychologist arrives!
Later, my dears!

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