Wednesday, November 21, 2018

happy 45th, bfe!

When I gave this pair of lovelies to the physicist this afternoon, I'd told him I'd had them since May.
Later, I had to correct that statement; the cat grocery bag was purchased at that time for him.
These were bought in August, when I'd been in Florida for "MOAS at Night".
I'm sure he would have appreciated them that much more if he'd known of the rabbit.
Inside joke, y'all!
When I'd bought them, it wasn't just that they were cats that attracted me.
It was also the fact that they had been carved of soapstone.
While I was in Panama, I'd bought a fairly large turtle and a fish, both carved from that substance, with intricate designs and lovely marbled tones of buttery taupes and creams. As heavy as they were, they were also quite fragile and did not fare well when dropped. Hence, I no longer have them.
I've kept his cats safely atop my entertainment center, awaiting his birthday.
When I gave them to him, they were wrapped in styrofoam and inside a styrofoam cube.
As I told him, you can't be too careful with soapstone.
Maybe I should have mentioned that the material's old name is magnesiocummingtonite.
Seriously... say it aloud for maximum enjoyment!
I'm so glad we had such a wonderful time today at our four-hour lunch!
And where were we?
At The Diner, of all places!
And what did we do there?
We had breakfast, naturally!
And we talked, talked talked!
We talked about his upcoming move next month into his own bachelor pad, something he has not had for two years now. Yep, ever since he left Nicholl Street, he has lived with a friend (while on sabbatical, then back here with me, and then with Erica and her daughter). That's a long time to not have your own place!
We talked about his addiction to "Psych", the television show that I had taped and made him watch because I was so hooked on it. I had forgotten all about getting him started on that!
We talked at length about movies and Dr. Who and Kris Kristofferson - nice!
We talked about folks who have grandkids and how that affects how they view themselves as older because of that responsibility. I had started that, with my talk of "When Mama was my age", which I seem to be doing lately. (I've also spoken of it to Kevin). After all, I realize that my life is very different than hers was. When Mama was my age, she had been Grammy for fifteen years. When Mama was his age, she became a grandmother for the first time. Sobering thoughts!
Then we'd gone out to the parking lot so I could make sure he had gold glitter all over him!
That was the fancy paper I'd wrapped around the styrofoam cube.
And he totally loved the little pick girl cat and blue boy cat...
and the nice heft of them in his hands...
and the fact that'I'd thought of him again whilst on my vacation60.
But of course I did!
He's my bfe!
i thank You, Goc!

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