Tuesday, August 27, 2019

driving mister willie

Looking back to earlier this year, my "job" as his
de facto chauffeur began on Daddy's birthday.
Yes, it's true that I have become his unofficial
transport to and from the baseball games for the
past few years, but that was shared time between
two friends, which is different.
That had been the full extent of my trips to and
from his house, outside of an occasional visit
with him and Gloria.
However, ever since April 7th, his doctor visits
have become part of what he and I do together.
This office on Paulsen Street has become overly
familiar to me, but at least they no longer ask me
to fill out his updates.
Still, between April and May, there were three
doctor visits sprinkled in.

June began with our usual baseball games.
Then, I went to Orlando with Christy and her family,
while Willie ended up in the hospital for that week
and part of the next.
I ended June going to games without him, awaiting
the day for the doctor to clear him medically.
That happened on July 1st, with me being the one
who took him to the doc.
(He has told me several times that he likes my driving better than his wife's, though he does tease me about my love of taking curves at speed.)
So, afterward, he asked if I'd do him a favor and
take him to Krispy Kreme.
I'm well acquainted with my friend's sweet tooth,
so I did - for having such a good doctor visit.

He passed the change to me, for gas money...
and, somehow, that established an unspoken contract.
He would call me and ask if I could do him a favor -
a trip to Ray's Grocery, a lunch visit to Popeye's,
multiple journeys to the Abercorn podiatrist -
each time with him introducing me as his driver and passing me the change back at his house.
It became several days a week - like, a j-o-b.

I admit, the frequent little trips for him to get
out of his house were emotionally draining me.
Today, I think I've done the last of them.
I know it was important of him to see his old boss,
Walter Lowe, and this afternoon's funeral provided
Willie with the opportunity to not only pay his
respects to the family, but also to visit old
coworkers he hasn't seen in years.
At the end of the two hour graveside service,
and the end of his visit with these people that
I did not know, I took him straight home.
It wasn't until we had arrived there that he asked me
to go to Popeye's for him.
I told him I could not.
"Tuesday is my day with Kevin," I'd said,
and off I went, just a few moments ago.
Now, I'll work on the puzzle at Generation One
until time to meet the running bear at Pakwan.
I'll call Willie next week to check in.

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