Wednesday, August 7, 2019

heaven and earth, and hauer too

The Savannah Voice Festival has begun!
Actually their Seventh Annual Season (which I christen SVF7) officially began last weekend, but those events weren't free.
Now that I'm retired and on a budget, "free" is my favorite type of event!
The theme this season is "Heaven And Earth", so how appropriate that the first no-cost performance is at a church!
Plus, it was at 7 PM on the 7th... and that's special for me!
Held at First Presbyterian Church on a rainy evening, Carolyn and I were right there...
seated way in the back, as we arrived moments before the concert.
The important thing is: we were there!!!
"VOICES In Sacred Song" could have just as easily been titled "Christmas in Summer".
That was fine by us!
We were even allowed to sing along for the very first song, and we certainly did!
"O Come All Ye Faithful" had the words in the program, but we knew them by heart.
The highlights for me include that first song, from "Messiah", with Peter Lake's sweet tenor; Psalm 23 sung as a hymn, by soprano Maria Zouves; "The Bird's Song", trilled by mezzo Maayan Voss de Bettancourt; mezzo Jessica Best with "Gesu Bambino"; and Chad Sonka's baritone in "Antiphon".
I also loved being singing along with the final song, the "Hallelujah Chorus"!
Then we beat feet out of there, barely reaching my car before the downpour -
Right place, right time!
Off and over to the west side of town for the Sentient Bean we went!
After all, it was a Wednesday night and that meant Jim Reed's movie and the PFS crowd!
This one was to be a "mystery" tribute to the late Rutger Hauer, who died last month.
What a coincidence that this actor was in my thoughts earlier!
So, what obscure or lost or rarely seen film was it to be?
"Blind Fury", from 1989, with a 45-year-old Rutger in fine form!
I'll definitely have sweet dreams tonight!
I'm so glad Carolyn was able to join me for all of this!
It was especially nice to be able to talk to her about all of it later, too, when we went post-movie for a nosh at the Black Rabbit.
i thank You, God, for that blessing!

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