Tuesday, August 13, 2019

thank you, keith burnett

- Who's that?

The guy who took me to see "Star Wars" for first time.
He'd already seen it six times and it had only been out a week.
He was taking me for his 7th time.
He had us sit in the front row, "for maximum benefit," he'd said.
He was so right!

- You remember all that?

I do.
That saga of Good versus Evil had a tremendous impact on me.
I had experienced ghosts at a young age, so the concept of spiritual forces in the universe made complete sense to me.
Plus, he and I had been dating for a month or so.

- Oh, cool! How is he doing?

I have no idea.
We lost track of each other after he was transferred out of the AE field and become a boatswain's mate.
That was a couple of weeks after "Star Wars".

- That's too bad that y'all lost touch.

I think it was for the best.
He was such a good-looking guy, though.
I'd been at Great Lakes for just a couple of weeks maybe.
One day, in the chow hall, this tall and handsome freckled-face fellow had approached me and asked, "Would you do me the honor of dining with me?"
How could I have resisted such an offer?
That started an affair that was quite memorable!
He even took me to a tattoo parlor in Lake Geneva!
He was going to have my name placed on his arm forever.

- Wow!

Wow is right!
I was still 18 and the thought of my name engraved forever onto anyone was incredible and sweet, but I couldn't let him do it.
When he was shipped out a month later, I was glad we'd turned that into a lost weekend instead.
That was my first one of those... and I loved it!!!
Sex was still pretty new to me back then.

- A lost weekend??

Oh, yes! 
I haven't had one of those since I parted ways with the singing bird - Harry of Charleston. 
But what a time we had then!
It was during that first year we were together, and I was his Peach and he was my Plum.
I'd driven up to see him, and he knew right away it was a bootie call, but he didn't care - he was ready for it!
Me, too!
One of the nice things about being older, and no longer having a uterus or ovaries, is the complete release from thoughts of pregnancy.
He'd had prostate cancer and no longer had sperm, or even ejaculate fluid, but he was able to reach a climax and so was I, and so we did that Friday afternoon...
again and again...
into the evening, into the night, until we pretty much passed out...
then awakened Saturday morning and were at it again.
We just couldn't even brush fingertips together without wanting more, and more, and more.
He finally managed to leave the bed and go downstairs to get us some food and water.
No sooner had we downed some refreshments than we were at it again!
It was like we were in our twenties instead of our fifties!
Sunday morning, we seemed to have had our fill, at last.
Ah, such good memories!
- Wow.

In fact, when I was describing what a "lost weekend" was to the physicist, that particular one was the one I referenced.
It's pretty well crystallized in my memory banks.

- What about the one with Keith that started you off?

I honestly don't recall that so much, as our first encounter in the chow hall and then that trip to the tattoo parlor in Lake Geneva, Illinois.
Definitely good memories!
Time to get back to the present, though.
Things to do, people to see... you know!

- I do! Later, then!

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