Saturday, August 17, 2019

star wars at the lucas

Even before I entered the building, I knew at once
that the day was special!
This scene was right outside the main entry!!!
As if that wasn't sufficient to start the adrenaline
rush, there was more!
Just inside the door to the lobby, this was the
message of greeting!
My first stop was to have a few words with Obi-Wan Kenobi!
"Don't believe your eyes," he told me. "Trust the Force."
Wow! That's the same advice he gave young Luke Skywalker!
Good thing I grabbed this shot before "Star Wars" began.
After "Episode IV A New Hope" (as it's now called), he was gone.
Guess that was appropriate, right?
And just where was I?
At the Lucas theatre... get it?
Lucas was hosting the movie trilogy...
how super-deluxe-cool was that???
And where did I sit?
In the very first row, just as I had in 1977 when
I'd seen it the very first time
This time, I had my BFF's scarf to ward off chill and Mama's old Kodak umbrella as rain insurance.
I'd insisted on buying a ticket for the first film, to
insure I was where I should be for it.
Right place, right time!
I had lunch at the Subway, just up the street, and what
was waiting for me there?
Yep, that's correct!
A bright, shiny penny, minted this very year!
Right place, right time!
Upon my return, I switched into volunteer usher mode!
"Striking back at the empire,"
I would say, as I did my magic trick and transformed ordinary tickets into souvenirs for the patrons.
This time, I had my photo snapped with Darth Vader, after assuring him that I was not his daughter.
Pretty funny, wasn't I?
Before the second film, I took this photo of my foot with the "Yoda" floor decal.
Honestly, "Episode V The Empire Strikes Back" made me miss the Muppets, so that was sad.
Then, when Han Solo was flash frozen into a grimace of eternal pain, that broke my heart.
Then Lando reclaimed possession of the Millenium Falcon, shown built to scale by Josh of the Lucas.
Beautiful machine, isn't it?
And such a labor love, taking five guys five days to
put together its 7000 pieces.
Yep, that's right: seven thousand Legos are in that
intricate model - wow!
I didn't even leave the building between the second and third films, letting popcorn be my dinner.
Not like that's the first time I've done that!
Would you just look at the smile on that soldier's face!
I had just told him, "I ain't afraid of no stormtrooper!"
He must have gotten my reference to the "Ghostbusters" movie!
For this final film of the initial trilogy, I was chatting with folks about their "return" for the 8 PM screening.
You know, because it was "Episode VI Return Of The Jedi" - a little joke!
I was also referring to it as the "Beauty and the Beast" episode and most folks knew at once what I meant!
How about that?!
It's so rewarding when someone understands a joke without any explaining.
It's especially rewarding when that joke is an original!
Thanks for playing along with me, folks!
Where did I sit for these other two movies?
Well, I was Orchestra Right for the second, then Orchestra Left for the third.
In the front row, naturally!
After the end of my shift and the last notes of the music, I headed over to Wright Square.
That's Eric Mitchell, there by Tomochichi's marker, talking a little chemistry to the crowd from Pooler and Richmond Hill.
I may see about catching the whole tour the next time - nice history lesson sprinkled with science!
We'll see - I don't want to crowd him, you know?

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