Monday, April 4, 2022

reaffirmation of life... and some lunch, too

 Dear Willie, 

Today has been a much better day than any of the weekend days were. 

Thank God! 

I was in such pain on Saturday, but taking Tylenol every six hours made it gradually fade off into a thing of the past. 

Yesterday, I tried to finally catch up on sleep and I've come pretty close to succeeding.

I'm still tired today, but I'm better, 

and I even got dressed and brushed that long hair of mine, 

and went to McDonald's for lunch. 

That was nice!

I was able to sit outside in the sun, under a blue sky, and enjoy the little breeze on my face. 

Not bad for the first time I've been out of the house! 

I know you're as excited as I am that baseball will be starting soon! 


I made a schedule of the games I will be going to in June and July. 

I will also let Steve know, so maybe we three will be at a game together again. 

That would certainly be wonderful! 

Okay, I've said what I aimed to say, so time to go. 

We'll be talking again soon!

with love!

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